
Author Topic: YBAS Outage  (Read 15786 times)

Offline geodementia

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YBAS Outage
« on: October 20, 2013, 08:02:21 UTC »
The Alice Springs  feed (YBAS) will be offline for a couple of days, as I'm in the process or rebuilding my shack, and all the radios and associated power supplies are currently unplugged.

Please bear with me, an the feed should be back online in the near future.


Offline 777lrf

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Re: YBAS Outage
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2017, 20:17:15 UTC »
The Alice Springs  feed (YBAS) will be offline for a couple of days, as I'm in the process or rebuilding my shack, and all the radios and associated power supplies are currently unplugged.

Please bear with me, an the feed should be back online in the near future.


Hello I just came here to thank you if you are still hosting this feed? I am listening in and amazed that the coverage is so large for this feed. I just heard an Emirates flight check in that departed Melbourne and is currently over the southern ocean!

Offline geodementia

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Re: YBAS Outage
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2017, 06:36:10 UTC »
Hi. No I don't host this feed any more since I relocated interstate, however a friend of mine is keeping this feed alive. Thesector that covers Alice Springs itself is quite large, and as you are hearing during quieter times is combined with up to 4 other large sectors, providing coverage all the way from just out of Adelaide to just out of Perth across the bight, all the way up to the YMMM/YBBB FIR just north of Alice.   

Glad you are enjoying it ☺