I'm glad to see that someone has picked up the CAR freq's.A long time ago when I lived in the St.Petersburg area,I had a longwire setup to my trusty Grundig Yacht Boy 400 and the CAR re-
ception was stellar on 11396,11330,8846,6577 and 6586.Now that I have moved to the Clear-
water area,and tried the same setup,I can't get squat.
BTW,regarding RobK's requst on VHF freq 129.9,I had a Radio Shack discone antenna hooked
up to a VHF receiver and picked up quite a bit of air traffic on 130.7 transiting the Gulf of Mexico
to and from Cancun,Cozumel etc.The voice was good til the aircraft got past MINOW intersection,
which was exactly 200 miles from my radio receiver antenna.
The freq of 130.7 is part of ARINC's "Gulfnet" that covers the Gulf of Mexico and surrounding
San Juan.
Mark Kortvely Sr.