A couple months ago I mentioned I may be moving to Philly. Due to a fairly major family situation, I was unable to accept any job out of town. Therefore, I'll probably be in Indy at least another year or two. However, I am looking into moving out of the parents house and would probably move near downtown, in which case I probably wouldn't be able to continue any feeds.
Therefore, for the next few months, I'm going to turn the feed into an "experimental." I guess you can call it selfish, but there have always been feeds I've wanted to run but don't have enough equipment/money to do so. Therefore, what I think I'll do is vary what I scan pretty often. Some I've always wanted to do is Indy Final when it's busy, just tower freqs, just high ZID freqs and just low ZID freqs, and something similar to the ZBW MPV52 sector, where it only picks up one freqency. Of course I'd try to find a busy one.
I'll try to update what I'm scanning on the "now playing" readout...not sure what to call it. I can't promise I'll always remember to change it, but I'll try.
Thanks for your understanding in all this. I apoligize for not having both IND and ZID up, but I need some equipment to run them on the same antenna at the same time to decrease interference, and not having a job at the current moment makes that impossible. Sadly enough there aren't any aviation related jobs in IND. Either way thanks for the patience, and thanks for the understanding. Things have been crazy for me recently. Try to enjoy whatever I have on the feed at the time while it lasts. I'll look into finding a new feeder shortly.
Edit: Also, Dave, would you mind taking the automated weather off IND so I can post what I'm scanning at the time? Thanks