
Author Topic: KMKE feed: Looking for new host  (Read 9106 times)

Offline greenfieldwi

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KMKE feed: Looking for new host
« on: January 20, 2019, 05:18:54 UTC »
I will be relocating by March 1 away from my location a few miles from Milwaukee's Mitchell Airport. As such, I'm looking for a new home & host for the KMKE feeds. With Dave's approval, I would donate the rPi and two analog scanners (if needed) to anyone willing to take them on; failing that, the KMKE feeds that I provide will go down permanently by March 1, 2019.

I've been hosting these for quite some time and the change in circumstance does bum me out, but would love to find someone in the area willing to take over the feeds for KMKE.
