
Author Topic: KBCT loss of scanning capability  (Read 5276 times)

Offline v1dls

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KBCT loss of scanning capability
« on: November 26, 2010, 06:28:53 AM »
Anyone remember that old Queen song "Another One Bites the Dust"?   I replaced
my Radio Sucks (excuse moi... I mean Radio Shack) scanner earlier this year with
(sigh) yet another RS scanner.   Worked great ...until...wellll the WX must have changed
and it decided stop scanning.   Good news(?) tho.. I've manged to capture
the primary freq. KBCT tower.    We've lost all of the scans on Palm Beach appr/dep.
and KPMP until I get enough courage to approach the primary financial decision
maker in the household about a replacement scanner.   Comments on UPS's
and power management appreciated..