
Author Topic: IND/ZID status  (Read 14795 times)

Offline IndyTower

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IND/ZID status
« on: May 29, 2006, 19:58:26 UTC »
I figured I'd start a new thread since I no longer run LAF and I picked up ZID. 

A friend of mine at Purdue (another CTI) is going to be taking over LAF fairly soon.

As for IND and ZID, I found a used sound card for $5, so I can now run both feeds simultaneously on my machine.  So, they should be up fairly indefinatly as of today, barring a few issues I'm working on. 

The ISP we're using keeps dropping our internet connection, so both feeds rebuffer quite a bit.  I'm going to try to call them about this sometime in the next week or two.  Also, the audio quality is horrible.  I need to figure some things out with the antenna and the general setup, which I also hope to do in the next week or two.  The feed will be down a few times in the next few weeks as I'm still finishing up some renovations. Put down a new floor and painted the room, but still need to touch up a few things.  I also hope to put up a few feed pics since the room looks presentable now. ; )

Also, I should add that I did find a job in Indy, but will still be looking for something else that uses my aviation degree untill the FAA calls.  Therefore, I just want to throw out that there's a decent chance that I may not be in Indy for real long, but have no idea.  I may decide to stay with this job untill the FAA calls, but I doubt it.  If I don't, I likely won't be in Indy.  But I'll still run a feed wherever I end up if there's anything worth listening to.


« Last Edit: May 29, 2006, 20:00:51 UTC by IndyTower »

Offline IndyTower

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Re: IND/ZID status
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2006, 22:56:30 UTC »
My parents are getting a new ISP in the next few days, so the feed shouldn't be dropping like it has been soon.  However, it looks like I may move out of state at some point in the near future as things are looking good on the job front.  Will update when I find out more.


Offline IndyTower

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Re: IND/ZID status
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2006, 18:52:04 UTC »
ZID will be down the evening of 6/22 thru 6/26, as I'll be in Madison, WI for the weekend for a wedding and at PHL for the day on Monday.  IND will be up the entire time unless it happens to go down for some reason.

Offline IndyTower

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Re: IND/ZID status
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2006, 19:23:43 UTC »
The feeds will be down a bit today as I'll be switching modems...changed from Comcast to SBC DSL. 

The sound quality is much better when I just have 1 scanner (feed) on instead of both on the same antenna.  I'd buy something to fix it, but it looks like I may be moving fairly soon, and don't know if I'll leave either of my scanners in my parent's place in Indy.  Therefore for now, I'll have IND on the external antenna and ZID either on the built on antenna or just offline for now.  IND seems to be much more popular, so that seems like the best bet for now.

I'll also update more when I figure out if I'm moving or not.  If I do move, I may be able to help split up the PHL area as I'll be working on the field.


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Re: IND/ZID status
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2006, 19:48:00 UTC »
That would be pretty cool to get Philly split up. I didn't want to say anything but when I start my new job Im wanna buy a Yagi and run the Philly North Sectors or maybe just Final Vectors One alone.

Offline vz1

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Re: IND/ZID status
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2006, 01:30:32 UTC »
maybe we could see some sector from nyc center that would cover modena millville sea isle ship bottom and other things around phila.

Offline IndyTower

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Re: IND/ZID status
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2006, 20:34:14 UTC »
Yeah I was thinking a center feed from that area would be nice.  May also be good to split up PHL approach/dept also.  All depends on if I could run a feed from the field and also the reception I'd get wherever I lived.  Gotta see whether or not I'm moving though...hopefully I will know soon.

« Last Edit: July 05, 2006, 20:36:08 UTC by IndyTower »

Offline IndyTower

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Re: IND/ZID status
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2006, 00:21:18 UTC »
I tuned in from a remote location and seems like IND is stuck on one freq.  Unfortunatly, I'm out of town for the night.  I should be able to fix it by tomorrow afternoon though (Mon, July 16).  Sorry bout that.


Offline IndyTower

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Re: IND/ZID status
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2006, 15:08:58 UTC »
A couple months ago I mentioned I may be moving to Philly.  Due to a fairly major family situation, I was unable to accept any job out of town.  Therefore, I'll probably be in Indy at least another year or two.  However, I am looking into moving out of the parents house and would probably move near downtown, in which case I probably wouldn't be able to continue any feeds.

Therefore, for the next few months, I'm going to turn the feed into an "experimental."  I guess you can call it selfish, but there have always been feeds I've wanted to run but don't have enough equipment/money to do so. Therefore, what I think I'll do is vary what I scan pretty often.  Some I've always wanted to do is Indy Final when it's busy, just tower freqs, just high ZID freqs and just low ZID freqs, and something similar to the ZBW MPV52 sector, where it only picks up one freqency.   Of course I'd try to find a busy one.

I'll try to update what I'm scanning on the "now playing" readout...not sure what to call it.  I can't promise I'll always remember to change it, but I'll try.

Thanks for your understanding in all this.  I apoligize for not having both IND and ZID up, but I need some equipment to run them on the same antenna at the same time to decrease interference, and not having a job at the current moment makes that impossible.  Sadly enough there aren't any aviation related jobs in IND.  Either way thanks for the patience, and thanks for the understanding.  Things have been crazy for me recently.  Try to enjoy whatever I have on the feed at the time while it lasts.  I'll look into finding a new feeder shortly.


Edit:  Also, Dave, would you mind taking the automated weather off IND so I can post what I'm scanning at the time?  Thanks
« Last Edit: August 18, 2006, 15:16:42 UTC by IndyTower »

Offline JetScan1

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Re: IND/ZID status
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2006, 15:02:38 UTC »
Therefore, what I think I'll do is vary what I scan pretty often.

This is a great idea. I wish more people would do this as opposed to trying to scan too many frequencies at once. Looking forward to it. DJ

Offline dave

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Re: IND/ZID status
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2006, 15:28:58 UTC »
Edit:  Also, Dave, would you mind taking the automated weather off IND so I can post what I'm scanning at the time?  Thanks

I don't have an easy way of doing that.  If you are changing the feed description, it should still display after the automated weather.
