
Author Topic: IND and LAF in limbo  (Read 44451 times)


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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2005, 03:08:53 UTC »
woooooohoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Indy is such a great feed Matt

Offline jamall02864

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #26 on: December 21, 2005, 03:12:52 UTC »
this entire post is of  him flip-floping on every thing lol stupid isp's  o well  reminds me of a political figure a year ago lol   but good luck with the  fedd happey holladays

Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #27 on: January 06, 2006, 16:08:46 UTC »
Quote from: jamall02864
this entire post is of  him flip-floping on every thing lol stupid isp's  o well  reminds me of a political figure a year ago lol   but good luck with the  fedd happey holladays

I don't really consider it flip-flopping.  I consider it updating.  I don't see much use in starting a new topic each time I have an update on my feeds, and usually if I have an update for one, it effects the other.  I think alot of people who listen to my feeds appreciate it.  If it bothers you, feel free not to read it.

That said, as I mentioned a few weeks ago, one of my machines crashed...the one I use to run IND when I'm in LAF.  I'm returning to LAF tomorrow, and will be taking both machines up there.  The Dell for my personal use and to run LAF, and the eMachine to try to get it fixed by my friends majoring in computers (one of the advantages of going to Purdue).  

So, IND will be down at least two weeks starting this evening, but LAF will be up starting tomorrow afternoon (Sat Jan 7).  I'll try to have IND back up ASAP.  Thanks again for understanding folks.

I'm also going to start looking for a new home for the LAF feed as I graduate in May.  I'd rather get it done well ahead of time if possible.  So if any of you Purdue folks who read this board would be able or would like more info, please message me through this site.  I'd be more than happy to help you set it up.  


Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #28 on: March 10, 2006, 18:03:55 UTC »
LAF will be down from March 10th thru March 19th as I will be in SFO.  I will take one scanner down to IND and run tower/approach for the week (under class C).  The 2nd will be coming with me to SFO to see what I can get from the hotel.


Offline PaulRichardson82

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #29 on: March 12, 2006, 19:02:06 UTC »
When you return from San Francisco, what will be the short and long term plans for the IND feed?  Thank you.


Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #30 on: March 19, 2006, 15:57:04 UTC »
My parents just bought a new machine, and they've given me their old machine to run the IND feed from their house.  So, IND is back up for at least a few months.

As for LAF, I am in the process of handing it over to a new feeder, a friend of mine who lives about the same distance from the airport...also an ATC student!  I will have it running on my machine until then, but without the nicer antenna, which is now in Indy.  Therefore the quality won't be as good until he takes over.  I hope to hand LAF over to him sometime in the next couple weeks.

As for the long term...LAF will be up through the help of my friend.  I may or may not leave IND up after I graduate in May.  My parents will still be in Indy, but I may end up taking my scanner with me wherever I go.  It all depends on where I move and what I can pick up in the area.  Also, if I end up in an area that's well covered, I won't need both scanners and could leave one in Indy.  I'll have to update more on that when the time comes.  Long story short, IND is up (barring technical problems which I often seem to run into) through the middle of May.


Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #31 on: March 25, 2006, 15:06:08 UTC »
Hey guys,

I'm going to be testing a few things on IND today.  I want to see how a low altitude ZID and high altitude ZID feed would sound.  Unfortunatly, it's Saturday and traffic is pretty light, so this won't be a real good representation.  But I'm not in IND during the week so it'll have to do.  

Saturday 10:00AM-noon, Eastern, I'll have it on some low altitude freqs.  These are 119.55, 124.52, 124.77, and 132.2.  The first three have both sides of conversation and the last doesn't.  Due to low activity, these will likely be combined today.

Saturday noon-2:00PM Eastern it'll be some high altitude freqs.  133.42, 134.17, and 125.15.  Again, being Saturday, they may be combined.  

Again, this is just for testing purposes for a possible future feed.  Gotta see which sounds better.  

Also, I had all these freqs up starting at about 10 last night.  You can hear lots of traffic from the cargo carriers heading into and out of their respective hubs especially between 11pm and 1am eastern if you want the archives, and again in the early morning, though I was sleeping then.


Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #32 on: April 14, 2006, 12:57:37 UTC »
I'm going to be playing with freqs today and over the weekend (4/14-4/16) on both the IND and LAF feeds.  I'll have both machines in Indy this afternoon.  I am looking for a replacement for LAF, so it may be down for a few weeks.  In about a month I should have ZID high or low up, as I will have graduated and be in Indy for a while looking for a job that isn't to horrible while I wait for the FAA to call.

This afternoon it looks like there will be some Tstorms over Indiana, so I'll probably have high ZID on one of the two feeds.

Offline Indianakingairdriver

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2006, 17:37:52 UTC »
Hey Indytower;

I'm up here in YYZ and I have to tell you that the Indy feed is my favorite feed.  I was just wondering what the status is as it's been down for a few days.

Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #34 on: April 26, 2006, 18:32:23 UTC »
The internet connection at my parent's place has been pretty bad and they've been having to reconnect it pretty often.  I'll call them and see if they can't reconnect it...I just feel bad having to call once a day and have them do it.  I'll be down there Friday to try to solve the issue.  Also, the new tower opens Friday at 8pm!

Offline Indianakingairdriver

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #35 on: April 26, 2006, 21:05:08 UTC »
No worries.  I'll be out of town for a week and won't have an internet connection.

Thanks for the update.

Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2006, 18:00:53 UTC »
Ok folks...I know I'm back and forth on things.  I'm in the middle of finals and graduating and starting paperwork for my new job (until the FAA calls) and planning my wedding and renovating my parents place so I can live there till I get an apartment.  So as you can guess, things are hectic, and it all interferes with keeping the feeds up.  Please bear with me...things should be normal and stable on IND and ZID within a few weeks.

For now...I have ZID up under Class D/Centers.  It'll be up off and on until my parents get a new ISP or I (less likely cause I would rather save money) get an apartment.  I'm also working with audio issues.  IND will be up after a week or two when I bring my other machine from Purdue.  LAF will be down until I find a new feeder, if I do.  

For now, I'll alternate between low and high altitude sectors.  The high have cross country traffic, along with some arrivals and departures to/from SDF, ORD and MDW.  The lows have arrivals/departurs to/from IND, CVG, ILM and some others.  If one sounds better than the other I'll switch to just one after a while.  Until then, I'll switch every couple days or something random.

No promises on anything due to everything going on and the fact that I'm not positive I'll easily be able to run two feeds with the ISP issues and computer issues.  The thing is I want both these feeds up as much as you guys and am trying my hardest.  Thanks for understanding!  Sorry for the rambling...I just want to be clear and as informative and keep you all up to date a much as possible.

Offline IndyTower

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IND and LAF in limbo
« Reply #37 on: May 12, 2006, 18:48:16 UTC »
IND will be down a couple days as I'm going to Purdue for graduation and when I get back, I'll be painting my room and installing new flooring.  Will have it back up ASAP, and hopefully ZID along with it at some point in the next few weeks.