
Author Topic: Ghosts?  (Read 13197 times)

Offline rbrong

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« on: March 16, 2009, 04:41:26 UTC »
Hi All,

So, I had a weird thing happen.  I'm not sure how but the OddATC client audio input selection for the Reno feed had changed to MIC rather than LINE like I want it.  The computer for the feed sits in a closet with no monitor, keyboard, or mouse hooked up to it.  I log on using a Remote Desktop Connection from Windows.  The odd thing about that is that when you log on to this system using the RDC you can't get to any of the the normal sound settings.  You physically have to use the computer directly (as opposed to remotely).  How the input selection changed is the mystery.  Has anyone else experienced this?

Anyway, while the feed was goobered up Reno was working but no audio was coming through.  Sorry for the 'dead air.'

Cheers -


Offline thedude

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Re: Ghosts?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2009, 14:14:31 UTC »
Not sure about your question, but in regards to the not being able to access the sound settings from RDP, have you tried using the conosle switch?

Start --> Run

Type in: mstsc -console

That should bring up the remote desktop window, and it will connect you to the computer as if you were actually sitting there. Sometimes that allows you to change settings / install software that you might normally otherwise have to install / change by actually sitting at the PC.

Offline rbrong

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Re: Ghosts?
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2009, 15:08:47 UTC »
It's not an issue of not being able to run the console.  When I do everything works just fine.  I can access everything on the computer including the sound card settings.  However, the sound card settings available are changed - probably due to the redirection that RDP does - I'm not sure.

In any case, I can still connect a monitor, keyboard, and mouse and access the server computer directly (as opposed as through the network) and adjust the sound settings appropriately.  The puzzle is how and why the sound settings changed in the first place.  The OddATC client is set to LINE for my sound input but it changed to MIC with no input from me.

The system is set to NOT receive automatic updates for Windows; it IS set to receive virus database updates; and it IS set to reboot once each day in the middle of the night.

Thanks for the input.

- RB

Offline maredzki

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Re: Ghosts?
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2009, 21:38:17 UTC »
You can also install VNC and connect to it just like console... better than RDPing which will not modifying settings.

You want the free version...

Take care,

Offline KSYR-pjr

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Re: Ghosts?
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2009, 21:51:53 UTC »
If you want a more secure remote capability than VNC (although I believe there is a modified version that provides encryption out there), I recommend the free version of, which is what I have been using for a few years now in support of my feed.

Offline dave

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Re: Ghosts?
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2009, 19:06:44 UTC »
This issue of OddATC losing the sound card mapping (or input mapping) happens, typically on reboots.  Not always.  Very hard to trace.  Windows sound card mapping can be pretty wonky and random sometimes.  It's maddening.

Offline cactushp

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Re: Ghosts?
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2009, 00:20:40 UTC »
I have the same problem as you describe. The solution is to listen to your feed through the website, and open up oddatc every once in a while.

Offline PIT

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Re: Ghosts?
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2009, 04:37:26 UTC »
This issue of OddATC losing the sound card mapping (or input mapping) happens, typically on reboots.  Not always.  Very hard to trace.  Windows sound card mapping can be pretty wonky and RANDOM sometimes.  It's maddening.
My favorite part is whenever it just switches input devices for no reason and you have no idea untill A: your told or B: you listen to your own feed and dont hear anything.

Offline rbrong

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Re: Ghosts?
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2009, 14:36:48 UTC »
Thanks to all of you for the great input.  I always get a few more goodies in my bag of tricks from the LiveATC posts!

Cheers -
