I HAVE READ THE TOPIC, and i have a comment about speaking arabic in controling,,, THE ONLY LANGUAGE FOR ATC IS ENGLISH!!! my friend is areall life pilot in middle east airlines(air liban) he could let me go in the cockpit wunever i have flight, i live in saudi arabia, and i fly to dubai and lebanon
and both countries dont use arabic unless :
1-saying hi,,, salam alaykom (peace on u) sabah el ker(good morning) ..... etc, it could be used, or if on ground the pilot wants to request something like : please what runway is in use? he could say that in arabic, but after the IFR is started, only english is used, and result of not using it, is suspension... i am not sure of the case in france, or germany, but i heard that the second language is allowed to be used, specially france... i had flight there, and i heard some pilots talking in frensh...