
Author Topic: CYHZ (Halifax) - Feeds up again - New pole & wires in place...  (Read 11637 times)

Offline blacktop

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The building housing the LiveATC feeds for Halifax Stanfield has developed an electrical panel issue and will be down for a short while. Hoping that repairs will be completed by this Saturday. Sorry for the interruption.
*Update June 17 - Partial restoration complete. SDRs working. Scanners to come up later, probably Sat 18th.
* Update #2: Fully up Sun June 19th 1600 UTC
* Update #3 Full loss of power at the site. Investigating. 12:26 UTC
* Update #4 Full return of power. Still investigating what happened.
* Update #5 June 24 Good a truck has taken out a utility pole in front of the feed site. Wires all over the road so will be down for a few hours. Happened around 11:00 UTC
*Update #6 June 24th 21:00 UTC± Local power utility has restored power and all feeds came up okay. Hoping for no more issues!
« Last Edit: June 24, 2022, 22:40:16 UTC by blacktop »