My feed for Atlanta Approach on 121.0 and Atlanta Center on 133.1 is now available.
121.0 is the satellite airport approach frequency that is used for KRYY, KFTY, KMGE and arrivals/departures to/from KPDK to the west, along with some of the other uncontrolled fields on the west side of town. At nighttime, it is also possible to hear ATC working arrivals into KATL on this frequency when they start combining positions after about 2230-2300 local, the aircraft themselves are likely on 127.9 or 124.6. At nighttime, this frequency is also combined with 126.975 and/or 119.8 depending on if they do a N/S or E/W split of the satellite sectors. I periodically will add these frequencies so you can hear both sides of the conversations if the controller is having aircraft move to one of those frequencies. This transmitter/receiver site is located at Dobbins AFB, co-located with 128.0. I may add this frequency in the future if I can determine what is interfering with it in my home.
133.1 is the Atlanta Center feed for the NW departure corridor, along with aircraft arriving/departing KCHA and KTYS. During the morning and early afternoon the signal from the center can be tad weak, but improves in the afternoon and is pretty good by early evening. Overall I'm pretty pleased since the transmitter location is about 35-40 miles north-east of where I am sited. This transmitter/receiver site is located at the Mt Oglethorpe RCAG, near Jasper, Ga, and is co-located with 121.35, which is available on another website.
Any comments are appreciated.