wants to hear a recording of, "Sorry, we're closed due to nonpayment." If you're an airline pilot requesting an approach clearance, this would be especially troublesome to say the least. We have no checklists for such things.
Fortunately, that scenario will never occur. Air traffic controllers are an essential government service, so airplanes will still be flying despite the government shutdown. But air traffic controllers are people, not robots, and soon the situation will begin to take its toll, potentially on our safety. As a veteran airline pilot I can confirm that we will all have to be especially vigilant with all aspects of aviation operations the longer this situation continues.The controllers will soon be missing paychecks, and nobody wants to work for free. This will add to the burden of an already stressful job. Controllers will be fighting fatigue and the additional stress of not knowing how their mortgages and other bills will be paid.
Some of the Federal Aviation Administration staff members who support the controllers may not be available. New controllers who are learning the ropes often help veteran controllers with routine tasks. Unfortunately, the new kids have been furloughed. Adding insult to injury, the Oklahoma City training academy for controllers has closed during the shutdown, meaning the problem of chronic understaffing won't get better soon.