
Author Topic: Florida Golfers Move Plane Off Putting Green To Finish Hole After Emergency Land  (Read 8209 times)

Offline KB4TEZ

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So proud to be a Floridian !

some Florida golfers got the fright of their lives when a plane was forced to make an emergency landing on the golf course – but it didn’t put them off too much as they politely then helped push it away from the green to finish off the hole.
While members at Del Tura Golf & Country Club in Fort Myers will have been used to seeing the odd rocket of a tee shot blazing down the ninth fairway towards the hole, they had a rude awakening when a low-flying light aircraft came chugging down their track.

The shout of ‘fore!’ doesn’t quite cut it when a stricken aircraft with engine trouble is forced to touch down on the nearest long, straight, flat surface – and you can only imagine the looks of disbelief as the pilot set it down and trundled up towards the green.A tweet from the Lee County Sheriff confirmed that nobody was hurt and only the pilot was on board, but their quip about “no golfers were forced to take a mulligan” was actually bang on the money.
Golfers being golfers, this hardy lot were not about to let the small matter of a plane sitting on the putting green stop their round, nor where they about to resort to a Happy Gilmore inspired “play it where it lies” scenario and putt their way around it.

Instead, the golfers gathered together to push the plane off the green and to a safe spot were it would not interfere with anyone else’s round and duly putted out to finish off the hole and move on!

Fire Pit Collective's Ryan French, of the Monday Q Info account on Twitter fame, even managed to get more details on just how close the plane had come to some golfers on the fairway.

A note delivered in a humorous fashion typical of the golfing community, a no-nonsense approach to something that could have been a serious incident, which thankfully nobody was hurt in, and importantly no mulligans were taken!