
Author Topic: Two killed ferrying WWII plane back to museum after airshow - Madrid, Iowa  (Read 17996 times)

Offline Chadan

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No details yet but the article suggests power lines may have been involved.

This hits pretty close to home for me since I was in Boone yesterday morning at this airshow (the first one I've ever been to), and likely saw this plane up close. I spoke to several pilots and caretakers of these beautiful birds and it was inspiring to hear how much passion each one of them had for their planes and aviation in general.

Offline ORD Don

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Offline Chadan

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Thanks for the info Don. From the articles it was a Fairchild M-62. "A fisherman reported seeing the crash and said the plane struck some power lines and nosedived into a sandbar in the river."

My boss's brother is an EMT who responded to the call and said they were burred deep in the sand. The helicopter he rode in on kept the rotors turning for fear of sinking into the sand itself.

I don't think I visited that plane during the show. Some pics I took are here. It might be the yellow one doing a low fly-by?