
Author Topic: Spirit A20N at Port au Prince on Nov 11 aircraft being shot at  (Read 614 times)

Offline KB4TEZ

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Spirit A20N at Port au Prince on Nov 11 aircraft being shot at
« on: November 12, 2024, 10:44:34 UTC »

A Spirit Airlines Airbus A320-200N, registration N966NK performing flight NK-951 from Fort Lauderdale,FL (USA) to Port au Prince (Haiti), was on final approach to Port au Prince's runway 28 when the aircraft encountered gun fire and was hit four times. The crew initiated a go around, climbed to 17000 feet and diverted to Santiago (Dominican Republic) where the aircraft landed without further incident about 35 minutes later. One flight attendant received minor injuries.

The airline said, that no passengers were injured however one flight attendant received minor injuries as result of the aircraft being hit by gunfire. After landing in Santiago damage to the aircraft was found consistent with gun fire. Flights to Haiti have been suspended for further assessment.

Bullet holes indicate several bullets penetrated the fuselage and hit overhead lockers.