well, english is such an easy language to learn and understand... before taking any flying lessons you should be able to speak clearly. just my 2 c
While I agree, you have to realize that for some people, English is their 4th and 5th languages. If you look at the educational systems in Sweden, Norway, and Finland, students there graduate knowing their native language, English, plus a third if not fourth of their choice. English and native, IIRC, are compulsory.
For asians, especially if Chinese, you really have to feel sorry for. They have 4 of their own dialects to learn, then English on top of that
So yes, we're spoiled. But that means 2 things:
1) we would be in the same position they are because for the most, Americans only know 1 language, and
2) we aren't as smart or as well-versed as we think we are. Hence, spoiled.