
Author Topic: United 4295 to Colorado Springs declared an emergency and returned to Denver  (Read 1570 times)

Offline KB4TEZ

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United #UA4295 to Colorado Springs declared an emergency and returned to Denver

Found this very interesting, short commute flight from KDEN to KCOS, and it didn't go well.
Not one, but two go arounds.
Then as opposed to trying a third time, diverts back to Denver declaring a fuel emergency.

Was able to grab most of the audio, but some conversation pieces missing (due to the scanner/berry set up at both sites)

Would love to hear anyones thoughts on this one.

John W

Offline baddah

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Thanks for your effort KB4TEZ

Offline Rick108

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"loss of 5, gain of 10" on both approaches - airspeed lost 5 knots and gained 10 knots during the approaches, so probably mandatory go-arounds for wind shear and an unstable approach.