This happened quick, took off, and made the save.
An aircraft made an emergency landing in a meadow on Texel yesterday, after the aircraft’s engine suddenly failed just before. Due to the emergency landing, a front wheel broke off, causing the aircraft to land on its nose. The pilot, also the only passenger, was not injured, but was ‘slightly shocked’. “It’s part of it and we’re still alive.”
Plane crashed in a meadow on Texel – GLOCALmedia
Jan Boyen Rienks, the pilot and owner of the aircraft, made a test flight on Thursday afternoon because he suspected that something was wrong with the engine. When the aircraft’s engine failed during the flight, Rienks made an emergency landing in the meadow near De Cocksdorp.
Due to the potholes in the meadow, the front wheel broke off during the emergency landing. The aircraft landed nose down on the ground. “It is now leaning forward a bit, but luckily the plane is still in very good condition,” says Rienks after the emergency landing.