
Author Topic: Spirit A319 at Detroit on Jun 23rd 2022, gear indication  (Read 3307 times)

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Spirit A319 at Detroit on Jun 23rd 2022, gear indication
« on: June 27, 2022, 10:55:20 UTC »
(thanks AVH)
Here's the audio

A Spirit Airlines Airbus A319-100, registration N512NK performing flight NK-1150 from Fort Myers,FL to Detroit,MI (USA), was on final approach to Detroit's runway 03R when the crew initiated a go around telling ATC they had a gear indication. The aircraft climbed to 4000 feet and entered a hold while working the checklists. The crew subsequently requested a low approach to runway 04R to have their nose landing gear inspected from the ground. Following the low approach tower reported the nose gear looked "fine". The aircraft climbed again to 4000 feet and positioned for a full stop landing on runway 04L. On final approach the passengers were instructed to take their brace positions, the aircraft touched down on the center line of runway 04L and rolled out safely.

US Media claim the aircraft landed half on Asphalt and half on grass.

The airline reported the crew suspected a mechanical problem but completed a safe landing. The passengers disembarked normally.

The occurrence aircraft returned to service about 41 hours after landing.

Related NOTAM:
!DTW 06/421 DTW RWY 04L/22R CLSD 2206231715-2206231800