
Author Topic: Small jet crash near Hot Springs airport Sunday  (Read 5140 times)

Offline Rick108

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Small jet crash near Hot Springs airport Sunday
« on: March 11, 2024, 14:15:13 UTC »

Local news reported a small jet crashed near Hot Springs airport (KHSP) on Sunday.  Apparently the plane was en route to Long Island but had some kind of emergency.  The news reports show a FlightAware picture that looks like the jet missed an approach at KISP and then flew through DC airspace before crashing in VA.  The report says fighter jets were scrambled because the plane was unresponsive to ATC.  Here is alink to the news reports:

      [size=78%]Five dead after private jet crashes at Ingalls Field Airport in Hot Springs ([/size]

I am looking for more information about this accident but I'm having trouble finding anything.  Does anyone have any additional information on this?

Offline KB4TEZ

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Re: Small jet crash near Hot Springs airport Sunday
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2024, 14:40:03 UTC »

Flew out of KFLL, he's between LiveATC covered areas that I haven't found any audio as of yet, probably Washington Center somewhere.
I'll keep looking.


Offline Rick108

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Re: Small jet crash near Hot Springs airport Sunday
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2024, 15:34:55 UTC »
Thanks for that.  My original statements were incorrect - I mistakenly listened to an old news report at the link I posted about the plane flying through DC airspace and heading to Long Island - that was an old story.

Based on the real news information, it looks like you located the correct aircraft N1125A.  It should have been talking to Washington Center on 134.4 for the KHSP ILS or RNAV 25 approach, but I don't see that frequency covered by LiveATC.  I can tell you the winds were awful in Roanoke Sunday, and the METAR at KHSP just before the crash was overcast at 2300 with winds 25 gusting 43.  I've landed at Hot Springs airport  - there is a steep cliff at the approach end of runway 25 and the winds will give you fits there on a nice day, and it was definitely NOT nice yesterday.


Offline KB4TEZ

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Re: Small jet crash near Hot Springs airport Sunday
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2024, 15:46:56 UTC »
Here's what I could find, you can't hear him after the freq switch,
felt real bad for the controller after he lost him off the scope.
Couldn't hear the relay convo either with seven papa.

RIP all.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 19:41:02 UTC by KB4TEZ »

Offline Rick108

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Re: Small jet crash near Hot Springs airport Sunday
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2024, 16:40:33 UTC »
Thank you for posting the audio.

Subsequent news reports say the flight diverted to KHSP due to an emergency, but there was no mention of that or any queries from the controller about anything, so I wonder if that was true, or if Hot Springs was really the final destination all along.  It seems like, if there really was an emergency, they would have chosen to divert to Roanoke, or even Charlotte where they started their descent, so I wonder...  As usual, we will have to wait for the NTSB report to really know anything.

Edit: Later news reports clarified that Hot Springs was the intended destination, and there was no emergency.

My heart goes out to the families of the 5 people on board.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2024, 13:59:13 UTC by Rick108 »