Hello, my name is Pedro. I'm from Brazil and this is my first post in this forum, that I discovered recently.
Here it is my first contribution: a dog invades one of the runways of the Galeão International Airport (SBGL) at Rio, stopping partially the operations in that point. It was firstly reported by a pilot from a flight of Gol Transportes Aereos (Flight 1600).
The controllers and the Infraero (the company that admins the airports in Brazil), made providences about it and, a few minutes later, everything returns to normal.
You can hear in the file about the whole in the follow periods:
0:00 - 0:16 / 0:27 - 0:28 / 0:57 - 1:29 /
2:54 - 3:13 / 5:30 - 5:34 / 7:03 - 7:13 /
8:50 - 8:53
I hope you like it!
P.S.: Sorry for my poor english!
P.S. 2: This audio was captured two days ago, near 12 P.M. (local time).