
Author Topic: San Francisco Fleet Week 2022 Circle and Arrivals Blue Angels Solos  (Read 239 times)

Offline Squawk 7700

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San Francisco Fleet Week 2022 Circle and Arrivals Blue Angels Solos
« on: September 29, 2024, 05:34:57 UTC »
Circle and Arrival radio calls were recorded from Treasure Island on Thursday, October 6, 2022.

The second recording is the Solos Blue Angels #5 and #6. “Chewy” #5 Lieutenant Commander Cary Rickoff and “Whiskers” #6 Lieutenant Commander Julius Bratton. Other references we can hear are “MO” the Maintenance Officer, Lieutenant Brian Abe, and “Doc” the Flight  Surgeon, Lieutenant Commander Monica Borza. We can hear a quick reference to “Bub”, former Blue Angel Lieutenant Commander Lance Benson who is the safety observer in the IMAX Helicopter filming for the documentary.