
Author Topic: San Francisco Fleet Week 2022 Circle and Arrivals Blue Angels Diamond  (Read 235 times)

Offline Squawk 7700

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Circle and Arrival radio calls were recorded from Treasure Island on Thursday, October 6, 2022.

Before the actual weekend show the Blue Angels survey the different landmarks and get their timing. The first recording is the Diamond, Blue Angels #1-4. We can hear the “Boss” #1 Captain Brian Kesselring. “Cheese” #2 Lieutenant Commander Chris Kapuchansky, “Jamammy” #3 Lieutenant Commander Scott Gossens, and “Chomps” #4 Major Frank Zastoupil.

We hear the different landmarks around San Francisco called out over the radio; The Salesforce Building, The San Francisco Yacht Club, the Bank of America building, a Golfcourse, Piers, Poles, Rocks, a Crane, a Cloud, Treasure Island (where I’m at), Alcatraz, Alameda, and Oakland.

1 of 2 parts. Part 2 will be the Solos.