Meanwhile at KIAD 1/18/25 around 7pm ET (1/19/25 000Z), Special Air Mission 47 (SAM47) lands rwy 19C with President Trump for the Inauguration, flying into KIAD rather than Andrews to attend event at his golf course close to Dulles, before proceeding by motorcade into DC later in the evening.
US Park Police Eagle 2 (N22PP) hardworking chopper performed runway sweep and air support for the motorcade as usual for VIP movements in the DC area, unusually joined by a flight of DHS TROY Blackhawks holding just east at higher altitudes, presumably part of enhanced security for the Inauguration.
Clip edited for time and content, combo of KIAD tower 1R/19L (120.1) and 1C/19C (120.25) freqs.
SAM47 comms are around 2:15-3min in the clip, TROY flight about 4min into the clip. Much of the remaining clip is TROY/Eagle coordination after SAM47 lands.