
Author Topic: Русские inbound Colmar  (Read 12125 times)

Offline MILKA

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Русские inbound Colmar
« on: December 20, 2008, 19:18:24 UTC »
Four Flankers and one IL-76 Tanker

Offline kinshasaAPP

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Re: Русские inbound Colmar
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2008, 01:52:47 UTC »
Thos Russians sure like to yell.

Offline Aeroplanino

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Re: Русские inbound Colmar
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2009, 21:15:14 UTC »
First of all sorry for my english.
Please can you give more information about this tape?
Is this a 254,75 MHz AM frequency?
Is this a Zurich?
Have you any information about "Colmar" (real - "Kalmar")?
And another question: may i upload this clip in russian ATC monitoring site with link to I think this could be much interesting, but for download is needed registration. And that fact will be limitation.

I think a few people who knows russian lang. It could be interesting for non-russian speaking monitoring community. I try translate and transcript this tape (i passed some conversations in english):
- ...we are airborn. And *** approach. =its non-russian aircraft
r- Kalmar, Kalmar, Podzor 501. r - russian language conv.
- Colmar, RFF 8045.
r- Kalmar, 501.
r- Kalmar, Kalmar, 501.
- Copy. =
r- Kalmar, Kalmar, 501.
- Colmar, RFF 8045, good afternoon, again.
r- Kalmar, 501.
r- Kalmar, 501.
r- Kalmar, 501.
r- Who to who transmitting, once again?
r- 501 Kalmar, leader by group of four.
r- Just wait, i transmitting, but he is not replying now.
r- Roger, good.
- Colmar, this is RFF 8045.
- ...15. =
r- 502.
r- 503.
r- 504.
r- 501, prepare to turn on landing heading, maintain height 450.
r- 835, turning to landing heading.
r- Wilco. Kalmar, 501.
r- Don't obstructing radio, give us to talk.
r- Ok, lets talking.
- Colmar, RFF 8045, now turning left.
r- Have you spotted garages right of me, 501?
r- Spotted.
r- Abeam to right.
- Colmar, this is RFF 8045.
r- 501, 501, Boris speaking.
r- 501, go ahead.
r- 501, welcome to you by name of airport director.
r- Thank you!
r- And congratulate you with arrival.
r- Thank you! Provide to us burning fuel above airport.
r- Which your endurance?
r- Our endurance is 4. Larger than estimated is about 1.5 tonns.
r- Ok, how long it will be to fly above airport for endurance will became normal for landing?
r- We'll need above airport is about 7-8 minutes.
r- Agree.
r- Agree?
r- 501, was talking? Permit 835 leaving by own task? After that will be separating.
r- 501, 835, spotted runway in front of me?
r- Yes, you can leaving.
...7-8 minutes. =
- Copy. =
r- 12 o'clock.
r- 501, 501, Boris.
r- 501, go ahead. Airport in sight, we are approaching and give us possibility above airport for (...).
- Colmar, this is RFF 8045, request direct to Strasbourg please.
r- Kalmar, i am 501, you aknowledge?
- This is RFF 8045, request to Strasbourg please.
r- (...)
r- Increase power. (4 times)
r- Put down brakes.
r- 12 o'clock.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 21:21:05 UTC by Aeroplanino »

Offline MILKA

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Re: Русские inbound Colmar
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2009, 22:41:48 UTC »
>> Thanks for translation

Is this a 254,75 MHz AM frequency?

>> Yes

Is this a Zurich?

>> No it's Colmar (Meyenheim LFSC) Approach

Have you any information about "Colmar" (real - "Kalmar")?

>> It's a French Airbase located between Basle and Strasbourg

And another question: may i upload this clip in russian ATC monitoring site with link to

>> No problem with me. Please addet MILKA as source.

>> And by the way your english is mach bether than my  :wink: