
Author Topic: Please, help me to find out what exactly they said  (Read 5823 times)

Offline ABDLman

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Please, help me to find out what exactly they said
« on: November 24, 2017, 15:32:12 UTC »
Hello, I often try to listen recordings from different parts of the world.
So can you help me to understand what was said? I marked unclear phrases by dots.

C: AFL102 Heavy, you maintain 2500 and say reason for …
P: Tower, AFL102, confirm 2500
C:  AFL102, There is affirmative and say reason for …

C: AFL151, above center radar

P: From time to time … door 3 right. So we need to land for check.
C: Weather information in Sheremetyevo
P: We've got it, but if you … we are ready to copy it
P: Ok, copied, QNH is, you … QNH for RW07
C: AFR 102, Would you be so kind to clarify situation.  Which part of the fuselage, which part, right or left were this parking…

P: I used found just to give you a preliminary information about the patient. We are still waiting for detailed information from the doctors. She …, she is an elderly woman, she is … for about 15 minutes. And they administered some medication, but she couldn’t respond to the medication. And further details would be issued by the doctors. Thank you
C: ET500, Roger, when you are ready descend 12000, in fact …3004
C: ET500 Heavy, Roger,we have vectors for 05, you can expect … another RW or another approach, let me know
« Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 10:10:30 UTC by ABDLman »

Offline wiedehopf

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Re: Please, help me to find out what exactly they said
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2017, 14:15:35 UTC »
"say reason for the miss."
as in goaround / missed approach.

2nd one is  a bit ... hard to understand, i'd say:
"Aeroflot 151, Boston Center roger" (assuming the frequency you heard it on fits. and i would guess if it was more than a routine checkin it wouldn't be that garbled or aeroflot would've asked what he said)

3rd one is really hard to understand, bloody air france! my guess:
"From time to time we have spark in the roof of the lavatory (maybe level door) 3 right"
"we've got it, but if you have the weather for us, we are ready to copy"
"qnh is missing so again ??? for afr102"
"... which part of the fuselage which part right or left were the sparking observed"

4th one:
she fainted .... .she fainted for about 15 minutes
xxx center, roger. when you are ready descend 12000 ?cityname? (probably where they are landing) altimeter 3004
japan500 heavy roger radar vectors for 05 you can expect that and if you are looking for another rwy or another approach let me know

that's as much as i understand. more context would probably help :)
maybe someone else has a better ear. (i wonder why no one else is answering it's been dowloaded often enough)

Offline ABDLman

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Re: Please, help me to find out what exactly they said
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2017, 17:47:23 UTC »
Thank you very much! You must be a native speaker?
« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 19:55:56 UTC by ABDLman »

Offline nimade

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Re: Please, help me to find out what exactly they said
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2017, 10:26:10 UTC »
"say reason for the miss."
as in goaround / missed approach.

2nd one is  a bit ... hard to understand, i'd say:
"Aeroflot 151, Boston Center roger" (assuming the frequency you heard it on fits. and i would guess if it was more than a routine checkin it wouldn't be that garbled or aeroflot would've asked what he said)

3rd one is really hard to understand, bloody air france! my guess:
"From time to time we have spark in the roof of the lavatory (maybe level door) 3 right"
"we've got it, but if you have the weather for us, we are ready to copy"
"qnh is missing so again ??? for afr102"
"... which part of the fuselage which part right or left were the sparking observed"

4th one:
she fainted .... .she fainted for about 15 minutes
xxx center, roger. when you are ready descend 12000 ?cityname? (probably where they are landing) altimeter 3004
japan500 heavy roger radar vectors for 05 you can expect that and if you are looking for another rwy or another approach let me know

that's as much as i understand. more context would probably help :)
maybe someone else has a better ear. (i wonder why no one else is answering it's been dowloaded often enough)

Hey! Froggy here to help!

2nd one could be "Boston's radar" or "Boston's Roger" depending on the context because we can really only hear "Boston's ...ER"

3rd one I hear "leveled door" to be exact without knowing what he's referring to
then "if you have the latest weather" (we often just say the latest in French)

4th one I hear "Halifax" for the city name but not sure. I checked and it is a 05/23 so maybe!

Au revoir.