
Author Topic: Orlando, rejected takeoff, conflicting ATC clearing takeoff and rwy crossing  (Read 2390 times)

Offline flyflyfly

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I saw a YT clip based on a LiveATC recording, with conflicting ATC instructions in Orlando on May 6th, 2024. Tower cleared AA-2473 (A321) for takeoff on 18L, then cleared Frontier 1734 (A320) to cross the same runway. AA2473 rejected the takeoff when seeing crossing traffic and had to return to gate (check brakes/refuel/change underwear/write reports/...).

I wanted to hear the untrimmed version of this event - with the original timing. So, I pulled the original recording from the archives. The attached file is only trimmed at the beginning and the end. Silence and unrelated instructions in between are all unchanged.

Some timestamps (for the attached/untrimmed recording, not for the YT video):

1:52: ATC clears AA2473 to line up & wait on 18L.
2:09: ATC clears AA2473 for takeoff.
3:12: ATC clears Frontier F9-1734 to cross 18L. ATC sounded distracted, pausing multiple times.
4:00: ATC cancels takeoff clearance of AA2473.
4:08: AA2473 reports having seen other traffic crossing, while they were accelerating for takeoff.
4:21: AA2473 needs to return to gate.


YT clip (with transcript but trimmed):
« Last Edit: May 09, 2024, 20:13:24 UTC by flyflyfly »

Offline baldiedc

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This one wasn't even a multiple-controller multiple-frequency issue.  BTW did you get the DCA near-miss on 4/18 the day after the JFK one, didn't see that one on here (VAS Aviation did a youtube video on it)

Offline RonR

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Here's the DCA audio from 4/18...