here is the tower part. AA 100 comes on when they are 12 miles out.
i couldn't figure out which part of the archive was between jfk tower and boston center. there was a handoff there i didn't catch.
Hey njf520 I think you forgot to attach the tower mp3
oops, you're right.
the tower part was the archive for the JFK tower for the 21st of jan from 0400-0430a GMT. i meant to include that
link. truthfully not very interesting. it has two parts that discuss AA 100. first was AA 100 calling the tower from 12 miles out, just like any other flight, albeit rather far out. then, the next you hear is after the flight has landed and the tower asks if they need the equipment at all, to which the AA flight responds, no. that's it.
thanks for the heads up. i'd blame it on being new here but it is really that i just forgot.