
Author Topic: My first solo out of KSYR  (Read 25189 times)

Offline scottskywalker

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My first solo out of KSYR
« on: March 24, 2006, 16:58:05 UTC »
Boy do I feel dumb. Thought I'd share my newbie experience w/you-

Yesterday I was on my First Solo out of KSYR. The flight was great, weather, winds everything was decent. I’m told to  expedite my decent from approach and contact tower.

On my base for landing is when I notice one of the screws over the engine was very loose and vibrating off. Not knowing where it was coming off of at the time, I get a little nervous. So my decision- let it go, hopefully nothing happens- or notify Tower incase it escalates to something worse.

Decisions….I notify tower, as calmly as possible not to sound like it’s a huge matter. I request to slow my decent (not in mp3). Which I get, and when my RPM’s dropped the screw stopped vibrating. I felt better…anyways….

This taught me a lesson- The locking screws come loose on the cowling, it’s normal.

Thanks to Tower though- very kind

Offline bribri609

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My first solo out of KSYR
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2006, 17:38:52 UTC »
Better safe than sorry.

Offline dave

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My first solo out of KSYR
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2006, 18:50:02 UTC »
Good call...great way to handle the situation.  Congrats on your solo!


Offline Cessna172

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My first solo out of KSYR
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2006, 19:09:02 UTC »
I am in total agreement with Dave: you handled the situation very nicely!

Thanks for posting that clip!

Home Airport: West Houston Airport (KIWS)

Offline Lezam

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My first solo out of KSYR
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2006, 19:28:12 UTC »
I liked that approach, but the controller didnt seem to care much :) All he said about it was would you like crews to be on the ground :cry:

Offline scottskywalker

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My first solo out of KSYR
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2006, 06:55:00 UTC »
Thanks guys, I guess the real reason I was so nervous is because of my mentality if something like a screw is loose, it'll cause BIG problems in flight...

I work on F-16's, so when a screw is loose then- 9 G's, and high speeds will blow that panel right off.

Maybe thats why I was so concerned. but thanks again.

Offline KSYR-pjr

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My first solo out of KSYR
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2006, 15:07:12 UTC »
Hey, ScottSkywalker, great clip!  Your radio presence is to be commended, given your level of experience.  When I was first soloed out of ExecAir there, my radio skills were terrible.  

Do not be embarrassed by any conservative call you make as PIC with regard to flight safety.  You handled the situation admirably, IMO.  

I have a few stories similar to that, too.  The two most memorable were being told to switch to departure and the old C152 radio (I started my lessons at Sair back in 1990 in their C152) not functioning properly, and the second was being berated over the frequency by a tower controller (again, back in 1990) for all to hear.  Fortunately there was no back then for someone to post the clip here.

BTW, I was at Exec yesterday and was showing the flight instructors there this forum so that they could listen to the audio clips of the local emergencies posted this past week when we all saw your clip.  The instructors were all very eager to download and listen to it.  They really enjoyed the name you gave the clip, so expect some gentle ribbing.  :)

Offline davolijj

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My first solo out of KSYR
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2006, 15:51:46 UTC »
Quote from: KSYR-pjr
...and the second was being berated over the frequency by a tower controller (again, back in 1990) for all to hear.  Fortunately there was no back then for someone to post the clip here.

I hope you did something really bad to get a tounge-lashing on the frequecy as a new pilot.

Offline KSYR-pjr

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My first solo out of KSYR
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2006, 18:16:45 UTC »
Quote from: davolijj
I hope you did something really bad to get a tounge-lashing on the frequecy as a new pilot.

Syracuse airport is about 3 to 5 miles north of the city of Syracuse.  At the time I wanted to orbit the city for a quick solo scenic flight so ATC granted my request by stating that I was to remain below 2,000 feet (so as to remain below the approach corridor for their main east/west runway) and also remain with the tower controller, as opposed to going over to departure.

On one orbit, I forget about my altitude restriction and climbed up to about 2,400 ft when the tower controller came on and asked me what I was doing.  I replied and he quickly and tersely reminded me of my altitude restriction.  That was that.

When I landed, I turned off the runway and called the tower to taxi in.  The controller then launched into a four or five sentence terse monologue about how I need to listen and adhere to their instructions, that we are a busy airport, if I was unable to comply with ATC instructions, I should not fly here, blah, blah, blah.  

Knowing that maintenance and the FBO had scanners, and in thinking of the many experienced pilots on the frequency, I wanted to just crawl into a hole.   My meager and lame response was something like, "As a very inexperienced student pilot, I recognize that I have a lot to learn, but I am trying."  It wasn't soon after that incident that I dropped out of flying lessons altogether for what was to be a 10 year hiatus.

Having the confidence and experience of flying many IFR flights into Boston and NYC airspace these days, a terse on-frequency lecture by a controller would have been met with a simple, "Please give me your initials and a phone number and we will discuss this off-the-air after I land."

I have a great deal of respect for controllers, but IMO the frequency is not the place for a lecture (by either controller or snobby pilot).

Offline davolijj

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« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2006, 21:07:24 UTC »
Quote from: KSYR-pjr
I have a great deal of respect for controllers, but IMO the frequency is not the place for a lecture (by either controller or snobby pilot).

I couldn't agree more.

Offline scottskywalker

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« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2006, 22:44:10 UTC »

I was hoping someone was going to catch the name of the clip. I thought it would be funny. We'll see how many laughs I get when I go back...

Offline jinksto

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« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2006, 05:24:17 UTC »
Actually, I think the controller in this clip did a great job. He asked if equipment was needed and then when the incident was downplayed and explained he still came back on later to ask if the pilot was still ok.  Sounded professional and accomodating like most ATClrs do.

As for the rough ones that want to give a lecture you on the ramp I've always wanted to ask "Do you charge for ground lessons or is this a freebie?"

Offline davolijj

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« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2006, 22:03:25 UTC »
Quote from: jinksto
Actually, I think the controller in this clip did a great job. He asked if equipment was needed and then when the incident was downplayed and explained he still came back on later to ask if the pilot was still ok.  Sounded professional and accomodating like most ATClrs do.

That's because he went to Beaver before getting hired with the FAA in 2003.  :wink:

Offline Jolly009

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My first solo out of KSYR
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2006, 18:24:33 UTC »
I worked on HH-60G Pavehawks in the Air Force for a Rescue Squadron.  Loose Screws (or missing ones) are common....  Shoot I pull a part out and always find extra parts still on the ground when I put it back in.  All I do is put it in a plastic bag, and put it behind the FE's seat so if they need it in flight, he got it.  :-)

Good Job.