
Author Topic: KDCA/College Park MD: Cirrus SR22 on approach goes off track, multiple ATC calls  (Read 203 times)

Offline baldiedc

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Sunday 10/6/24 - N883JP Cirrus SR22 from Nantucket to College Park MD reports field in sight but then turns North (clear sunny day in the DC area).  Potomac Approach tries to raise for several minutes, re-establishes contact, has some conversation, and guides to the field...

Attached original recording from 1630Z unedited, rough timing as follows (starts 16m45s into recording):

16:46Z initially reports field in sight
16:48Z Potomac attempts to raise for several minutes
16:53Z Contact re-established... "just wondering where you are going, you were cleared for the visual and turned northbound... if you lose the airport you need to contact me so we can get you back on track... you can't just descend and climb at your discretion... descend below the Class Bravo..."
16:55Z Still no field in sight
16:56Z Final left turn heading 180 "should put you right over the top of the field"
16:57Z Field in sight... "Remain on your current transponder code until you land.  Change to advisory frequency is approved"