Thursday 10/24/24 11:46Z / 7:46AM ET - USCG MH-65 Dolphin c/s Blackjack1 scrambles from DCA for unusual activity in the FRZ somewhere NE of DCA.
Tower asks TV Chopper if they saw anything unusual about 4 miles NW of their position, at the time Chopper 1 was orbiting around East Riverdale which puts the target area a couple miles NW of College Park.
Departures and arrivals stopped for about 10 minutes. Arrivals NLE101, RPA4473, SWA1192 and AAL2985 were delayed south of DCA.
Blackjack then orbited 2-3 miles East of DCA around Bolling area and returned to DCA just after 12:00Z. Not clear the nature of the target activity; upon return to DCA, Blackjack commented to Tower they reported a helicopter in a field but other activity still being tracked to SW.
Attached recording is combination of DCA Tower/Heli, Potomac Approach KRANT (125.65) and OJAAY (119.85/DCA Final) frequencies from 11:46Z - 12:01Z, edited to remove other communications and most of the approach delay vectors, and compressed a bit for time.