I was searching out the following incident which appears in the FAA ASIAS data base.
Time: 18:12:00Z
Regis#: N4297M
Aircraft Make: PIPER
Aircraft Model: PA28
Event Type: Incident
Location: VERO BEACH
State: Florida
Description: Aircraft landed long and ran off of the end of the runway.'
I was unable to find it in the archived file. Then a web search
produced the following info -
'A plane ended up in the grass during a landing after it ran off the runway
Thursday morning. There were no injuries or damage to the plane.' (My underscoring to emphasise the time discrepancy.)
http://www.veronews.com/news/vero_beach/public_safety/airport-minor-incident-at-vero-beach-regional/article_b74b2f68-babe-11e5-a712-f77b722dd980.htmlIt wasn't difficult to find this incident in the archives
Note that neither report refers to the emergency called before the landing.
I presume there was only the one excursion?
Can anyone throw any light on why an emergency was declared, please?