
Author Topic: JFK tower getting mad  (Read 86727 times)

Offline Luis_C

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Re: JFK tower getting mad
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2006, 06:06:07 PM »
Funny, but sad at the same time.

Wow... it sure sounds like he's had a long night.  I love the part where the controller says "You've switched frequencies but you've been talking to the same guy all night..."   :mrgreen:

Yeah that's really good.

May be wrong but it sounded like Finn Cargo


That makes me feel much better, because sometimes I have some trouble understanding the call signs, because English isn't my first language, but now I see that is even common with natives.

Pilot did nothing wrong. That controller should be the one that lost his temper.

Yeah, lol, there's some vibes in the air, that when the tower and pilots aren't of the same country, sometimes this kind of stuff happens.

Offline valo_j

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Re: JFK tower getting mad
« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2006, 11:06:48 AM »
It was late a night, all positions were combined... Same guy working everything. Hence why he said "You changed frequencies, but you've been talking to the same guy all night"

"all positions were combined"
Sure ,in the night..
But why not to combine all the frequency into  one only?

Because they're printed on the charts.   Tower xxx.xx, Ground yyy.yy, and so forth

That's the very truth,
But what I mean is doing in the night ,just in order to avoid confusion

However,we combined it in the night when positions combined...

Offline valo_j

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Re: JFK tower getting mad
« Reply #27 on: August 04, 2006, 11:32:02 AM »

Down below on the desk in front of her you can see the Voice Switching and Control System (VSCS) - Associated with DSR builds - ARTCC's. You can actually see she is transmitting and recieving on three frequencies (They are illuminated green on the screen)

In our country ,it is prohibitted that transmitting and recieving on three frequencies via the voice switching system when the position was separated

Offline deanbush

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Re: JFK tower getting mad
« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2006, 07:04:28 PM »
I train controllers from all over the world in ATC-pilot communications.  This a a textbook example of what NOT to do.  The supervisor should have immediately removed him from his position.

Offline RobertK

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Re: JFK tower getting mad
« Reply #29 on: August 27, 2006, 05:37:51 AM »
Yay, first post here.

So, after listening to this, I didn't find anything *really* bad about this controller's behaviour.
He didn't call anyone names, he didn't shout, it was just a short sigh of frustration in my book, not even worthy to be called "getting mad" really.

Sure, not extremely professional and he certainly should try to avoid it, but I also don't think it warrants a removal from the position by the supervisor - a heads-up "that was wrong" would certainly be justified though.

Neither do I see that Sing Cargo pilot at error very much, he seemed pretty dense at that time, but it is certainly better to ask for clarification then to act on belief. "I have no clue what I am meant to do, but I believe I can get it right".



Offline xnvyflyer

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Re: JFK tower getting mad
« Reply #30 on: September 09, 2006, 12:19:15 AM »
That was hillarious.  That pilot was a bit of a stump but the controller needs to tone it down just a tad.

Offline keith

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Re: JFK tower getting mad
« Reply #31 on: September 19, 2006, 11:27:47 AM »
The pilot needed to get a pen and write down his instructions. Asking him to repeat the MERIT portion wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't asked for his taxi route twice, and been told to cross the rwy twice.

Controllers usually do a pretty good job of issuing the instructions clearly enough such that they're not ambiguous and don't bear repeating. A pilot who reads it back correctly, then later asks for a repeat is either being overly cautious, or has forgotten the original clearance.

Asking for MERIT again once he reaced the rwy was very strange, since they had talked about it before. The name of the SID is the MERIT3, so it's kinda of hard to miss it.

That said, the controller wasted all that air time chewing him out when he could've just said said, "Mike Echo Romeo India Tango, MERIT".  Restating MERIT HFD PUT  was useless as the pilot has already read all of that back.

When I start getting annoyed at pilots on VATSIM as a controller, I'll drop in a "listen carefully..." or "as I said before..."  but taking that much time to chew someone out if you're busy/tired is a waste of your own energy.  I've tried the long chew-outs in the past, and have never felt good about it afterwards.

Offline davolijj

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Re: JFK tower getting mad
« Reply #32 on: September 19, 2006, 06:53:40 PM »
When I start getting annoyed at pilots on VATSIM as a controller, I'll drop in a "listen carefully..." or "as I said before..."  but taking that much time to chew someone out if you're busy/tired is a waste of your own energy.  I've tried the long chew-outs in the past, and have never felt good about it afterwards.

Chewing someone out on the frequency is counter-productive.  It may make a controller feel better at the time but it can only exacerbate a conjested frequency and kill any rapport the controller has with pilots on at the time.

As for the VATSIM problem with VATSIM is there are so many people who participate at different levels.  Many of the pilots flying around the network have very little knowledge of IFR procedures or even the basic flying.  In the real world controllers expect a certain level of knowledge and awareness on the part of all pilots, especially those flying IFR or in busy terminal areas.

Offline keith

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Re: JFK tower getting mad
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2006, 12:48:33 PM »
Chewing someone out on the frequency is counter-productive.  It may make a controller feel better at the time but it can only exacerbate a conjested frequency and kill any rapport the controller has with pilots on at the time.

Agreed. The only exception is when the pilot is SO far off base that even other pilots start turning on them.

As for the VATSIM problem with VATSIM is there are so many people who participate at different levels.  Many of the pilots flying around the network have very little knowledge of IFR procedures or even the basic flying.  In the real world controllers expect a certain level of knowledge and awareness on the part of all pilots, especially those flying IFR or in busy terminal areas.

Yes, it's an ongoing problem, but the network is generally worthwhile, and there are enough solid pilots to sustain a good experience.

Offline pblocki

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Re: JFK tower getting mad
« Reply #34 on: September 24, 2006, 11:24:43 AM »
Those guys work on the edge :)

Offline AirKevin

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Re: JFK tower getting mad
« Reply #35 on: October 07, 2006, 10:35:20 AM »
"Do you have any further questions about your route, your taxi route, the route you're going to fly, anything else."
"Not for now, sir."
"So now I'm sure in 30 seconds you'll have another one, but continue to the runway."
