
Author Topic: jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad  (Read 19230 times)

Offline turi76

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jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad
« on: June 20, 2010, 23:14:15 UTC »
First time i heard my favourite jfk controller upset.
greetings from italy

Offline tucraceman

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Re: jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 17:20:41 UTC »

Offline vb105

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Re: jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2010, 11:52:28 UTC »
No matter what the situation is, yelling over the radio doesn't help or resolve anything. I think this controller needs a few weeks weeks of paid vacation... he sounds a little stressed...

Offline snipper_cr

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Re: jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2010, 16:37:08 UTC »
Holy cow... he sounded VERY stressed. You could hear him trying to control his voice usually at the end of the transmissions but still... sounded VERY stressed.

Offline fabian24

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Re: jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2010, 20:05:17 UTC »
That is exactly the opposite we are taught at the school to do with "our" traffic in Spain.

Pilots that do not understand the ATCO or just don't follow his instructions may happen at any time at any airport, and we're also paid and trained to handle the most stressful situation. Outrageous!

Airlines please keep flying!


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Re: jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2010, 20:53:34 UTC »
Very early in my career I made a mistake that put a pilot in a perilous situation.  It was caught in time and nothing happened, but it was close.  To this day, I remember that pilot getting justifiably upset on the freq.  He sounded very much like this controller.  His tone made an impression on me.

A few years ago a pilot screwed up on departure and caused a near mid-air for me and the adjacent controller.  The pilot I was in contact with later thanked me for the way I "yelled" on the frequency about the traffic because it got his attention and he immediately realized the severity of the situation - because of my tone.

Tone can be a valuable tool.  You've got about a 30 second clip here, not knowing what came before...  This guy's tone sends a message the words alone cannot convey.  I get the definite impression the pilot is stopping on an active runway with traffic short final.  That's an unsafe situation.  You're worried about tone?  Sheeeeesh.  If I'm the pilot on short final, I'm digging the guy's tone.

If anyone deserves a couple weeks off it's the pilot who stops on an active runway.  I've seen it more times than I could count and absolutely understand the guy's tone.

Offline NAplaya16-ATC

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Re: jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2010, 04:54:54 UTC »
Trust me,  dont hate on this controller!!!   Ive heard this guy many times, and hes always joking around and maintaining a calm tone!   For this guy to "yell" then something went seriously wrong, b/c this guy hardly ever yells.  Thats not being stressed thats just trying to prevent a serious accident in the shortest amount of time!

Especially in this situation,  if you got a plane just sittin on the runway, with a plane maybe bout a mile off the runway, you better be yellin and screaming to get that plane sitting there to move it!

Offline fabian24

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Re: jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2010, 23:18:09 UTC »
Brittish ATCOs are "famous" for giving an evasive instructions like that as if the planes involved were separate hundreds of miles. Unfortunately there's no frequency available to check it out :(

Offline glencar

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Re: jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2010, 21:57:50 UTC »
Aeroflot constantly makes minor mistakes. This one sounds like a major one. I can't fault this controller whatsoever. 

Offline athaker

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Re: jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2010, 05:03:36 UTC »
Nobody who was on frequency will ever stop with a tail over the runway at JFK (if not any airport) ever again thanks to him. 

Offline NY Z Pilot

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Re: jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2010, 13:50:32 UTC »
Yah they will lol.  Jetblue does it ALL the time because their ramp and T-4 ramp cant coordinate together.

Offline svoynick

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Re: jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2010, 02:49:01 UTC »
Thats not being stressed thats just trying to prevent a serious accident in the shortest amount of time!

Especially in this situation,  if you got a plane just sittin on the runway, with a plane maybe bout a mile off the runway, you better be yellin and screaming to get that plane sitting there to move it!
If it was truly an issue where an accident was inevitable unless one particular aircraft took immediate action, then I can see pulling out all the stops and using "tone" as posters have mentioned.

But with an aircraft on short final, what's the decision point between just issuing a calm "UAL 56 go around" to the aircraft on final, and screaming at the aircraft on the ground, while still trying to thread the needle?  I'm not passing judgment, truly asking as a point of discussion.  If it was that close to an inevitable accident (and I'm not saying it was; I'm just following NAplaya16's conjecture), and was that scary a situation, aren't we threading the needle a little closely, and couldn't we relieve that tension with a simple go around clearance, or an "immediate STOP" to another aircraft?

And yes, I totally appreciate that go arounds cost everyone money and time and congestion, but I'm speculating on a situation that was close enough to an accident that it whipped a normally unflappable controller into a frenzy.  If it wasn't that close to an accident, and was only an "irritation" then why the high-tension yelling?

Offline Hollis

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Re: jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2010, 21:32:21 UTC »
Speaking of 'threading the needle', here's how it's done in KBOS, recorded yesterday, 7/04/10.
Just a little cooperation from all concerned makes it work.

Offline philip

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Re: jfk gnd: the joker is gettin mad
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2010, 17:15:17 UTC »
Speaking of 'threading the needle', here's how it's done in KBOS, recorded yesterday, 7/04/10.
Just a little cooperation from all concerned makes it work.