O.K. Here are my Guesses as to the landing Strip....
Edwards AIr Force Base, California (High Desert, with plenty of Winds to shuffle about in Fall Winter, along Hwy 58.
Mojave International Airport (But I do not see any of the sitting duck planes, 'the grave yard') Mojave, California also High Desert Back Sloap of the mountains with plenty of winds along Hwy 58 as well...
And the one no one thought of......
Moses Lake Washington...KMWH...This is only a hop-skip-and a jump from BFI (Boeing Field) in a Flight. JAL trains there 747 pilots there. a Ton of Touch and Go's.... Everyone thinks Washington state as Green, well in Eastern WA, it is Desert, just like you see in the video...Just another airport to ponder....
A380-800 I know this will cause a lot of 'debate' but coming from Washington state (Boeing) I just want to add this little comment (and no offense to you, or airbus..it is amazing the sucker actually got off the ground.) "Do you see Boeing Test Pilots with Parachutes on during their tests, Like the Aircrew of the A380 had on during their maiden flight?"

Just friendly banter