
Author Topic: IMAX Helicopter Comms Fleet Week San Francisco 2022  (Read 239 times)

Offline Squawk 7700

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IMAX Helicopter Comms Fleet Week San Francisco 2022
« on: September 26, 2024, 23:19:52 UTC »
In 2022, the IMAX Helicopter was in San Francisco during Fleet Week to film the documentary "The Blue Angels". The IMAX equipped Helicopter, an Airbus H125, was piloted by aerial coordinator Kevin LaRosa II. The Director of Photography, Michael Fitz Maurice, operated the Sony Venice 2 camera, and in the left seat was former Blue Angel Lieutenant Commander Lance Benson, who served as the safety coordinator.

The recording captures communications between the IMAX Helicopter, Airboss, and the Blue's Comm Cart. Fat Albert and United Airshow 1 also come up on frequency. The recording was made over three days from October 6th to 8th, 2022, using a Uniden BC125AT Scanner set to 134.700, 121.050, and 128.150 MHz. A Tascam DR-60D MKII 4-track audio field recorder was used for recording.