Air Traffic Monitoring > Aviation Audio Clips

Hot mike and expletive filled rant


Can anyone clean up and post the expletive filled rant from Southwest 531 departing SJC on March 12th? It starts around the 18 minute mark on KSJC-Twr2-Mar-13-2021-0230Z :roll: (My audio software thinks that is a 39 minute file, so 18 minutes may be a bit off, but FlightAware says the flight took off at 18:50, so 18 minutes into the half-hour would be about right).

no idea what he was even talking about

Well he starts of with "F*** this place, goddamn liberal f***s", then goes on to be dismissive of Hyundais and how slow they are, and finally declares that "You don’t have balls unless you’re rolling coal". Thanks!

Found it in the KSJC Tower #1 feed which had a bit better audio.

That's an interesting checklist he's going through


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