
Author Topic: Found in the KLAL archives  (Read 5163 times)

Offline GeoffSM1

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Found in the KLAL archives
« on: April 03, 2017, 21:28:56 UTC »
 A mixed 'bag' from the Saturday before the 2017 Sun 'n Fun Fly-In & Expo gets underway at Lakeland tomorrow (4 April)..
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 22:28:25 UTC by GeoffSM1 »

Offline dylanh

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Re: Found in the KLAL archives
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2017, 03:41:51 UTC »
Jeff, can you please be more descriptive in your thread titles as well as the content of your post? It is extremely annoying to open this file for a bunch of B.S. 

Thanks in advance.

Offline paul77706

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Re: Found in the KLAL archives
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2017, 13:19:50 UTC »
Dillon, If Geoff posts something it is usually interesting in some way. This particular feed had several out of the ordinary exchanges. The unusually high traffic because of the pending air show, the repeated warnings to the pilot nearing a jump zone,
and particularly the exchange between the student pilot and ATC. I thought the controller did a great job helping the pilot in
a patient and friendly way. That, along with the encouragement from the other pilots on the frequency will go a long way in
helping that student become more comfortable in the air. All in all a good recording, and if you found it " extremely annoying"
then perhaps you are too easily annoyed.

Offline GeoffSM1

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Re: Found in the KLAL archives
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2017, 19:18:05 UTC »
I'm very grateful for your kind and encouraging remarks Paul.

I can tell you I didn't find it at all easy to avoid writing an immediate reply to dylanh's post in terms that I might later have regretted. Now I've cooled off I'll confine my response to stating that my idea of what constitutes 'interesting' is clearly quite different to dylanh's.  Naturally, there won't  be unanimous agreement on what is worth listening to and what isn't but I hope there is a general acceptance and understanding in this Forum that anything out of the normal run of communications is possibly going to be of some interest to someone. I spend many hours (largely unproductive time) seeking out the audio to include in my usually heavily edited and trimmed clips. In the process I occasionally come across snippets like those I put into this clip. In that regard, I sincerely hope the first item (a controller issuing go-around instructions to two pilots because he has misjudged the space available) falls in the unusual category and therefore, by my definition, is of interest.

Offline nick-mel

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Re: Found in the KLAL archives
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2017, 09:40:06 UTC »
Geoff, always enjoy your finds in archives or wherever they come from :D.

Keep em coming


Offline GeoffSM1

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Re: Found in the KLAL archives
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2017, 20:51:14 UTC »
Geoff, always enjoy your finds in archives or wherever they come from :D.

Keep em coming


Many thanks for the appreciation.