Posting with heartfelt sympathies for the families, friends and colleagues of all those involved in the tragic events on Jan 29th.
Obviously a lot videos and key soundbites have been cut and shared at this point but with varying degrees of detail and context, so I thought this perspective would be helpful to share here.
Attached is an extended EDITED cut of events before and after the crash, from 1/30/25 0130-0245Z (1/29/25 08:30pm - 09:45pm) plus earlier communication from PAT25 at 0112Z.
It is edited for time and content, NOT REALTIME, but in sequence, with some minor shifting to hear simultaneous Tower/Ground communications particularly following the crash. Not all Ground communications or Ops/Tower communications (esp. static) are included. The segment from ~0143-0147Z from time of JIA5342 joining DCA Tower until the crash (~7m40s in the clip), is left in realtime.
This is a combination of DCA Final 124.7 (JIA5342 approach only), Tower 119.1, Heli 134.35 and Ground 121.7 frequencies; with some additional PAT25 comms at the start from KGAI CTAF 123.075, and the initial route clearance thru the DCA Bravo north of Bethesda MD, which was captured on the combined LiveATC "KDCA Tower/Approach" feed.
I believe 4 controllers at DCA are audible during this time period - initial controller on Tower through the crash and immediate go-arounds; 2nd controller takes over Tower/Heli from approx 0150Z (~10min into clip) - presumably one of the supervisor/supervisor-trainee noted in the 5 controllers on duty per NTSB; ground controller (female voice); later 4th controller on ground (3rd male voice).
Attached in 2 parts due to file sizes, part 2 in separate post:
- Part 1 (17 mins) - covers 0130-0157Z timeframe, through initial response to the crash to clear the airspace, thru to long conversation with Blackjack-3 and Musel-13
- Part 2 (16 mins) - covers 0157-0243Z timeframe, mainly helicopter response coordination and clearing the remaining planes holding on Rwy 1 etc
Feel free to message/post if questions or notice any key errors/omissions.
Notes on the response to clear the airspace:
- 3 planes on Final with Tower (AAL3130, AAL472, JIA5347) canceled landing clearances (only AAL3130 had been given clearance and AAL472 was mid-comms with tower at time of crash) & go-arounds with later diversions to IAD/BWI via different Potomac App/Dep frequencies.
- 5 planes still with DCA Final diverted to IAD (not in this recording) - one reported low fuel but landed KIAD shortly afterwards
- 3 departures holding for Rwy 1 (DAL832, JBU2523, JIA5305) - witnessed the crash, got a phone number and eventually returned to gate
- Air Force helos MUSEL-7 and MUSEL-13 ordered to land, ultimately both cleared direct to ADW - low fuel & unable to assist
- AIRCARE-1 medevac (cleared by Tower shortly before the crash), lands and is later cleared to Manassas
Responding helos in this timeframe:
- EAGLE-1 (US Park Police)
- BLACKJACK-3 (USCG) instructed to return to DCA and later joined response with Eagle 1. Tower refers to this as Blackjack-1 a few times (Blackjack-1 lands earlier). Eagle comments that Blackjack was below 500ft and Eagle above at 500-1000ft. Blackjack MH65s stationed at DCA are primarily air defense assets not SAR.
- FALCON-2 (DC Police) initially responded, returned to South Cap to allow room for Eagle and Blackjack, later replaced by FALCON-1
- FAIRFAX-1 (Fairfax County Police) operating SW of DCA at the time was ordered to land to clear airspace, later moved to DCA for possible medevac, returned West for fuel
- GUARDIAN-3 (PG County Police) on separate call landed National Harbor then joined the response replacing Blackjack-3 at the end of this excerpt
High Level Timeline (Zulu; approx):
01.12 PAT25 advisory on KGAI CTAF/123.075 (Montgomery County Air Park) that they are at 2000ft 3mi to the West, transitioning West to East.
PAT25 route clearance with DCA Tower for Cabin John/Route 1/Route 4/Davison. Both pilots Cpt Lobach and CW2 Eaves can be heard communicating with Tower.
Tower provides DCA altimeter (2989); later requests Ident; confirms PAT25 is 6mi North of Bethesda @1200ft; approves request.
01.32 JIA5342 checks in with DCA Final Approach
01.39 JIA5342 cleared Mount Vernon Visual Rwy 1 Approach
JIA5342 switches from DCA Final Approach to DCA Tower; accepts Tower request to take Rwy 33; instructed to circle at Wilson Bridge and cleared to land on 33.
01.44 JZA789 cleared for immediate takeoff Rwy 1, traffic [JIA5307] 2mi out
PAT25 reports Memorial Bridge, acknowledged by Tower (mandatory checkpoint - approx 2mi North of DCA)
AAL3130 cleared to land Rwy 1
Tower/PAT25: "PAT25 traffic just South of Wilson Bridge is a CRJ at one thousand two hundred feet circling for Runway 33” / “PAT25 has traffic in sight request visual separation” / “visual separation approved”
Tower/AAL1630: “American 1630 Rwy 1 Line Up And Wait; Traffic 3 out for Rwy 33; [inaudible] 6mi final"
[Note here: JIA5307 has landed, AAL1630 LUAW Rwy 1, JIA5342 is 3mi out for 33; Tower will be waiting to get JIA5307 off Rwy 1 to Ground and send out AAL1630 ahead of JIA5342 landing]
MUSEL-7 calls at Springfield, told to stand by
AAL472 calls for landing clearance, no response
Tower/JIA5307: “Bluestreak 5307 keep rolling down to November, Ground .7 good day"
Tower/AAL1630: “American 1630 winds are 320 at 14 Gust 25, traffic 2 mile left base Rwy 33, no delay, Rwy 1 cleared for immediate takeoff"
MUSEL-7 request for Route 3 / Zone 6; approved
AAL472 calls 2nd time for landing clearance, no response
Medevac AIRCARE-1 calls for clearance, Tower provides altimeter (2990), "approved thru Washington class Bravo… report landing assured at Fairfax"
Tower/PAT25: "PAT25 do you have the CRJ in sight? … PAT25 pass behind the CRJ” / “PAT25 has the aircraft in sight request visual separation” / Tower responds [inaudible]
AAL472 calls 3rd time for landing clearance, Tower starts response with winds then audibly reacts to crash and breaks off
Tower/AAL3130: G/A left turn 250 climb 3000, heading misheard as 350, confirmed 270
JIA5347 calls for landing clearance on 33
Tower/AA472: cancel landing clearance, Rwy 1 continue
BLACKJACK-3 calls for Zone 6 - approved
Tower/AAL1380: switch to Departure 118.95 [sounds like AAL1380? but I think this is AAL1630 that just took off]
Tower/AA472: repeats landing clearance cancellation & continue; AA472 asks for clarification; confirms G/A & climb maintain 3000; requests heading; left 270; switches to Approach 118.95
JIA5347 calls again on Final
Tower/AAL3130: switch to Approach on 118.95 (comes back later finally goes to 124.7)
AIRCARE-1 calls L/A (no ack from Tower)
JIA5347 calls again; told to G/A
MUSEL-13 calls, told to stand by
Tower/BLACKJACK-3 asked to return direct to Glebe and land at DCA
Tower/FAIRFAX-1 told to land immediately
Tower/MUSEL-7 told to land / go West and contact Dulles tower 120.1
Tower/JIA5347: Heading 120; later hard right 180; back to 120; to approach 125.65 (KRANT)
Tower/JIA5305: Hold Short Rwy 1
Tower/Musel-13/Blackjack-3 comms to see if can assist with SAR. Blackjack-3 takes route 6 over DCA to Anacostia. Musel-13 low fuel, returns to ADW
Tower comms with JIA5305, DAL832 on shutting down
01.58 FALCON-2 up with Tower
Comms with JIA5305, DAL832, JBU2523 on returning to gate / phone number
02.03 EAGLE-1 up with Tower
02.04 FALCON-2 returns to South Cap to allow room for BLACKJACK-3 and EAGLE-1
02.06 MUSEL-7 cleared direct back to ADW
02.07 FAIRFAX-1 proceeds to DCA for possible medevac
02.10 AIRCARE-1 cleared to Manassas
02.15 DAL832 starts returning to gate, JIA5305 and JBU2523 follow later
02.16 FAIRFAX-1 returns West for fuel
02.17 GUARDIAN-3 up with Tower from College Park to Zone 4 on separate call
02.21 FALCON-1 up with Tower
GUARDIAN-3 offers assistance, coordinates with Eagle air-air; lands National Harbor
02.38 BLACKJACK-3 returns to DCA
02.43 GUARDIAN-3 back up with Tower replacing BLACKJACK-3
(L/A = Landing Assured; G/A - Go Around; excuse the formatting)