my first time posting here; I have many funny clips, but here is one thatj ust happened today at 0530PM EDT.
This is a Jazz arriving Montréal CYUL and has problems with his gears when on final. He declares a missed approach and asks for some time to resolve the problem. Unfortunately, Montréal feed is very bad since a couple of time, so quality isn't very good (that's why I typed it very quickly). Moreover, the feed went down during the incident, I'm not very satisfied of it but anyways. So we cannot know the end, so nothing very impressive.
I think the Jazz landed safely, because we didn't hear anything in the news up to now and the flight status is "Arrived".
...it's getting a little bit bounty down low.. but nothing to worry about, ok?
Montréal, AMM 4,600 for 4,000
AMM, terminal, good day, descend to 3,000ft
3,000ft AMM
Tower, it's Jazz 7674, we will have to go around[..]
Jazz 7674, roger, what are your problems?
Oh just a gear, just a gree indication, we will start it out, will call you back, go ahead
with your instructions
Jazz 7674, roger, continue the approach, maintain 3,000ft
Roger, 3,000
Jazz 7674, you wanna continue the approach or do you pull up?
Ah we're pulling up, we're climbing to 3,000 on this heading
Could you please continue a little bit on downwind there, there is a RJ traffic landing
ahead of you on the left side, he has a gear problem ...
AMM roger
..contact departures on 118.9
runway heading, maintain 3, and 118.9, Jazz 7674
Jazz 1792, contact ground 121.9
Dorval departures, Jazz 7674, in a missed approach, 24L, leveling 3,000, runway heading
..74, would you like anything specific when you return to Montreal or
you're all set at this point?
Ok, what I will do is to take a vector, maybe 20 miles, we just gonna run a checklist,
and when you give us a call in 5 minutes....
Jazz 7674, roger, so, what I'll do is, I'll turn you right now on a heading of 090,
and I'll bring you for an extended downwind after that
Yea that's fine, left turn 090, leveling 3, and yea whatever [that works for you]
is fine with us
I check, roger
Tower, charlie Golf....., base for 24L
G-AMM, Montreal Tower, bonsoir, wind 290 at 20, cleared to land runway 24L
AMM, cleared to land 24L
Jazz 2959, circulez Bravo 2, traversez la piste 28, contactez le tablier dans le Foxtrot
Bravo 2, on traverse la 28, et le tablier de l'autre côté, Jazz 2959
Standard procedures actually at this point, tower needs to know fuel on board and souls
on board
Ok, fuel is 3000 pounds and 54 souls on board
Thank you
Montreal, Eagle 432 is 7,500 for 6,000
Eagle 432, Terminal, good afternoon, descend to 3,000, you're number 1
3,000, Eagle 432, thank you
Montréal, pour .., serait-ce possible faire le NDB plutôt que l'ILS?
Ouais, je peux vous donner le NDB, y'a pas de problèmes
Excellent, on prendrait le NDB, piste ... pour la 29
Ok,.. je vérifie
Montreal, American 802 is out of 16,000 for 8,000, Mike
Jetlink 2713, reduce your speed to 210 knots and maintain 7,000 feet
210, 7,000, Jetlink 2713
Roger, contact Arrivals now on 126.9, good day
126.9 good day, 2713
American 802, maintain 8,000 feet
Maintain 8,000 feet, American 802
..to confirm once again with you, you are NOT declaring an emergency and you do NOT want
the equipment standing-by, correct?
We are going to run a procedure, depending on the outcome of that procedure, we may be
declaring an emergency, .. should not be a problem, and we would like to run the checklists
first to determine
I check, roger, would you be able to slow down a little bit, Jazz 7674
200 knots or less, is this .. for you at this point?
.. be 200 knots or less
Thank you
...Montreal, radar contact, and runway 24L, and maintain 6,000 feet
24L, down to 6,000 feet, BJD
Jetlink 2713, descend to 4,000
4,000, Jetlink 2713
À droite cap 080 pour intercepter la trajectoire de rapprochement, autorisé approche
directe NDB 11, virage d'alignement pour la piste 29
Ok donc, 080 pour intercepter l'alignement, NDB 11 avec la 29..
Roger, vos intentions après l'approche
....cap de piste, 3,000 pieds pour guidage radar
Un cap de piste, 3,000 pieds, on vérifie
American 802, maintain 6,000 feet
Maintain 6,000 feet, American 802
American 802, contact Arrivals now on 126.9, good day
126.9, American 802, good day sir
American 802, out of 11,000 for 6,000
American 802, Terminal, good afternoon, maintain 5,000
5,000, American 802