Author Topic: 202309231700z - KAUS - F18 and Citation 550 near-miss  (Read 672 times)

Offline gavron

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202309231700z - KAUS - F18 and Citation 550 near-miss
« on: October 14, 2023, 08:37:42 PM »
News sources are providing information including a post-event LiveATC.Net clip where an inbound F-18 and outbound Citation jet had a near miss.  None of the news sources are providing the pre-event audio (more on this in the next paragraph) and only one identified it as "around noon" which would be 1200 (UTC-0500) and hence I'm specifying around 1700z. 

There are many LiveATC.Net frequencies being followed at KAUS.  There are no audio clips having been "selected" prominently as "events" to point out which frequency and which time (1600z, 1630z, 1700z, 1730z, etc.) so there are literally hours of audio to listen to unless someone has already got a better clue as to where it is. 

I've checked the NTSB database, and there having been no incident nor accident the event is not there.

What is available in the recording the media shares: post-event it's clear that there was a miscommunication between ATC and the military pilot.  The military pilot claims he was authorized for "airspeed and altitude my discretion after the break".  ATC indicates the military pilot had a "pilot deviation" from the assigned arrival route.  The conversation prior to that, where such "own discretion" was or was not requestd or/nor authorized would be key to a "teaching moment."  As a future CFI and a current Helicopter pilot I am looking for that.

If you can help narrow down when this occurred, and on what frequency, and if you can even find the recording, I'm happy to reward you for your time. 

I am responsible for two LiveATC.Net stations... and an FR24 MLAT/ADS-B rx, so I'm one of the good guys :)


Tucson, Arizona

Offline gavron

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Re: 202309231700z - KAUS - F18 and Citation 550 near-miss
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2023, 04:15:15 PM »
A forum member privately replied and while he's working on his own web discussion of this event he shared which feed and time to listen to.  I found the original request from the F-18 pilot, and tower response.  I'm self-embargoing the details until that member posts his own version or some amount of time goes by so I'm not benefitting from his having pored over the audio...