
Author Topic: ZJX Sector Charts  (Read 69665 times)


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ZJX Sector Charts
« on: November 22, 2007, 08:36:27 UTC »
So, I was going google crazy one day and I ran into this page. I'm shocked you guys haven't already found this. So, I figured I'd share the wealth.

The page has a LOT of information. Be sure to share guys.
The direct link to the sector charts and frequencies is:

Includes areas, call lines, frequencies, graphic depection. I'm not too sure if there is a lat/lon breakdown of the boundaries or not, I'm more of a ZMA fan myself, so I didn't read too much.

The page, I believe, is published and maintained for ZJX trainees by a company called Washington Consulting Group ( I believe they deal with training air traffic controllers. So, I suspect the information on the page is for training purposes and not operational purposes? Most of the publication dates show early 2007. So, it's rather current. Why it's available to the public, I don't know. But it's cool.

Now for my request. If ANYBODY has any information on the Miami ARTCC (ZMA) please don't hesitate to give me a shout. I have sporatic information, but it's very hard to come across. All I have is a facility tour handout sector map that dates to mid 1993, and and a slightly newer WCG sector 46/47 video map/sector.

What I'd really like to get is sector names, numbers, and VHF/UHF frequencies for ZMA. I have a few, but that's about it. Here are just a couple (since I'm away from home for Thanksgiving):

R46 Aluto 135.175
R47 Winco 132.450/307.100
R66 LAL LO 134.550/257.700
R67 LAL HI 127.200/349.000

R08 Cigar 133.900/307.337
R64 Avon 126.525/285.500
R65 Boyel 125.075/319.000

I also have information for the Miami ATCT (Tower and Approach frequencies and names).
I will try to post that tomorrow if I can. In the mean time Ramp frequency for MIA is 130.500, so, have fun with that till then.

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Re: ZJX Sector Charts
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2007, 02:50:10 UTC »
excellent find!

looks like I found my next project....


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Re: ZJX Sector Charts
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2007, 09:17:27 UTC »
Miami Air Traffic Control Tower Frequencies as promised. Many frequencies/positions get combined; however, this is how the frequencies would break down if all positions were open.

ATIS: 119.150
Clearance Delivery: 135.350/348.600
Gate: 130.500
Gate Hold: 120.350
Ground Control North: 121.800 *
Ground Control South: 127.500
Ground Control West: 120.350
Ground Control UHF: 348.600 (shared)
Local Control North: 118.300 *
Local Control South: 123.900
Local Control Three: 118.100 Appears to be shared with FLL North Feeder
Local Control UHF: 256.900 (shared)

* denotes primary frequency
Homestead Arrival: 125.250/317.700
Miami South Departure: 125.500/354.100
Miami North Departure: 119.450/301.500
Miami South Feeder: 120.500/350.200
Miami South Final: 133.050/379.900
Miami North Feeder: 125.750/322.300
Miami North Final: 124.850
FLL South Arrival/Departure: 128.600/255.600
OPF Arrival: 126.850/255.600
FLL North Departure: 126.050/251.100
FXE Arrival/Departure: 119.700/306.300
FLL North Feeder: 133.775/380.200
FLL Final: 133.725/285.600

Combining usually goes in this order:
-> Feeders taking finals
-> Departure(s) taking satelite(s)
-> Departure taking approach
-> North taking South Departure

So, at 3 am it's common for 119.45 to assume the entire airspace. That's why you'll hear a controller broadcasting on South Departure frequency with no response. Same exact thing goes for combining of any sector. Except Center works differently.

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Re: ZJX Sector Charts
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2007, 10:08:28 UTC »
Chris, Check your PM's.  :-D