
Author Topic: Interactive Map of ARTCC Radar Sites  (Read 187533 times)

Offline av8tor172

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Interactive Map of ARTCC Radar Sites
« on: October 29, 2013, 17:23:11 UTC »
I have a database of (what I think is all) the ARTCC (Air Route Traffic Control Center) radar locations. I have put all the lat/long's on this clickable and scaleable map.

If you turn on 'Satellite' view and zoom in on a location you can actually see the radar site.

You can view the ARTCC Radar map here:


Offline sykocus

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC Radar Sites
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2013, 18:23:16 UTC »
Looks like you're missing Guam . I think San Juan (Puerto Rico) has an ARSR as well.

Offline av8tor172

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC Radar Sites
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2013, 21:52:08 UTC »
Looks like you're missing Guam . I think San Juan (Puerto Rico) has an ARSR as well.

I just checked the datafile which I got from the FAA website.  Neither Puerto Rico Guam are listed in their datafile.  The datafile I used was updated in July 2013.

Not to say there aren't ARTCC sites there, it wouldn't be the first (or last) time a current FAA datafile didn't have all the info.


Offline sykocus

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC Radar Sites
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2013, 02:14:00 UTC »
Yeah that's the way it goes. If you look at the FAA's list of radar facilities neither Guam nor San Juan are listed, but they do exist.

I can say with 100% certainty that there is an ARSR on Guam. It's located right here

San Juan was a shot in the dark. It looks like there was bid to build one in 2009.

Offline Bob2

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC Radar Sites
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2013, 21:46:27 UTC »
Nice work!

On your web page you said you aren't sure how long the software to display your data will be available.  If you think Google Earth will be around longer, you could try that.  Google Earth uses KML-format files for place marks, which contain longitude, latitude, and altitude surrounded by some KML tags in a text-format file.  Wikipedia has a short sample, and links to the full standard.  Copy Wikipedia's example code and paste/save to a file with a KML extension (e.g. NY.KML).  Open that file in Google Earth and there will be a place mark in Lower Manhattan.

For your project you would need to create multiple Placemark tags, which should be relatively easy with a word processor (use text format!).  Your data will have to be in, or converted to, decimal degrees.  The sample tag is for approx. 74W, 40N, 0 feet:

I don't know if something other than the yellow push-pin style placemark can be displayed, or if data categories can be selected as you have done with the various radar types, but my guess is those features are available.


Offline av8tor172

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC Radar Sites
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2013, 11:05:58 UTC »
Thanks Bob for the information.

I too am sure Google Maps will be around for a long time. 

It's ZeeMaps that I worry about, that's the company where the map is generated and resides on their server.  They then send the data to google to generate the map.  With the amount of time I had I really didn't have the time to read up on the KML file structure.

I realize using Google Maps & KML files are the best way to do it, the next time I get some time and some data to create more maps I'll be using Google Maps directly...


Offline ManaMoogle

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC Radar Sites
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2014, 20:16:00 UTC »
I noticed Washington Center isn't on it, located at 825 E Market St, Leesburg, VA 20176. Great map, thanks!

Offline tyketto

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC Radar Sites
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2014, 19:49:55 UTC »

Radar SITES.. that makes a lot more sense.

I was going to ask if this included repeaters, because I know for a fact that there isn't an ARTCC location in Nebraska, since half is split between ZMP and ZDV, with the Omaha area under ZMP control. Plus the fact that the TRACON is located at or near KOFF makes the 72nd and McKinley location WAY off. But seeing that the Site is there, that does make a lot more sense.

Funny how close you got the one in the Sacramento area. It basically is behind KMHR and 1/4th of a mile from NorCal TRACON.

Well done on this.


Offline av8tor172

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC Radar Sites
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2014, 12:45:33 UTC »
Thanks, glad you like the map.

The data from the map comes from the FAA's 56 day subscription update (data they claim to update every 56 days).  How accurate is it? Well its the FAA so its hard to tell.  The dataset I use is named ARTCC Radar Sites.  I don't know what the FAA uses to determine to list a radar in that dataset because it appears that not all radar sites are listed. 

Some people have given me radar site locations that are not on the map, in most cases when I researched farther I found they were not ARTCC sites, but were TRACON sites.

The information on the map is at the mercy of what the FAA puts in their datafiles.


Offline tyketto

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC Radar Sites
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2014, 18:19:00 UTC »
Thanks, glad you like the map.

The data from the map comes from the FAA's 56 day subscription update (data they claim to update every 56 days).  How accurate is it? Well its the FAA so its hard to tell.  The dataset I use is named ARTCC Radar Sites.  I don't know what the FAA uses to determine to list a radar in that dataset because it appears that not all radar sites are listed. 

Some people have given me radar site locations that are not on the map, in most cases when I researched farther I found they were not ARTCC sites, but were TRACON sites.

The information on the map is at the mercy of what the FAA puts in their datafiles.


I'm pretty sure these are accurate, as it would hard to move the facility; they'd have to build up the new one before tearing down the old one. The ones I've located look like white globes; for example, if you locate KMHR on Google Maps, follow Taxiway Z to the ramps towards the southeast of the field. continue on that taxiway's centerline until you cross Mather Blvd. The globe looking building there is the radar site. Funnily enough, head northeast from that (just north of Mather Lake), and you have the Norcal TRACON.

For Omaha, zoom in on 3N0 (North Omaha Airport. That should be on 72nd and McKinley. in the southwest corner of that intersection you'll find the same building.

You should be able to Street View these as well. Those would need to be torn down to move them, but I honestly wouldn't think they could get moved in one 56-day cycle, as it would take at least 120 days just to build the facility.