Nice work!
On your web page you said you aren't sure how long the software to display your data will be available. If you think Google Earth will be around longer, you could try that. Google Earth uses KML-format files for place marks, which contain longitude, latitude, and altitude surrounded by some KML tags in a text-format file. Wikipedia has a short sample, and links to the full standard. Copy Wikipedia's example code and paste/save to a file with a KML extension (e.g. NY.KML). Open that file in Google Earth and there will be a place mark in Lower Manhattan.
For your project you would need to create multiple Placemark tags, which should be relatively easy with a word processor (use text format!). Your data will have to be in, or converted to, decimal degrees. The sample tag is for approx. 74W, 40N, 0 feet:
I don't know if something other than the yellow push-pin style placemark can be displayed, or if data categories can be selected as you have done with the various radar types, but my guess is those features are available.