
Author Topic: ZBW Sector 19 Playbook/SOP  (Read 136054 times)

Offline JetScan1

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ZBW Sector 19 Playbook/SOP
« on: September 22, 2013, 16:10:57 UTC »
Using Ron's ZBW19 feed, and FlightAware, I put together a sort of quick reference Playbook/SOP for this sector covering scheduled traffic. I think I got most of the routes that would pass through this sector, but might have missed a few.


ZBW Sector 19 Danbury - Scheduled Traffic, Playbook/SOP
Frequency: 134.000
Sector Altitudes: 11000/12000/16000/18000 to FL230/FL270 


LGA/EWR/JFK departures via GREKI.JUDDS.CAM/GREKI.JUDDS.MARTN climbing 11500-15500 for 17000
> (direct CAM), to FL230, to 125.575 Boston

LGA/EWR/JFK departures via MERIT.HFD climbing 11500-15500 for 17000
> (direct HFD), to FL270/(FL230), to 126.225 Boston
+ LGA/EWR/JFK-BOS via MERIT.STRKK (see BOS arrivals)

LGA departures (other)
= MHT, (direct option), via GREKI.JUDDS climbing 11500-15500 for 17000, direct JUDDS.EEN, to 17000(F), to 132.650 Boston

EWR departures (other)
= MHT, (direct option), via GREKI.JUDDS climbing 11500-15500 for 17000, direct JUDDS.EEN, to 17000(F), to 132.650 Boston
= PVD, via BAYYS.SEALL.GON climbing 13000 for 15000(F) or at 13000(F), (direct GON), (to 13000), to 124.850/(133.425) Boston

JFK departures (other)
= MVY/ACK, via BAYYS.SEALL.GON climbing 11500-15500 for 17000(F), direct GON, to 124.850/(133.425) Boston
= PWM, (filed route), via MERIT.HFD climbing 11500-15500 for 17000(F), to 133.425 Boston
= PWM, (direct option), via MERIT climbing 11500-15500 for 17000(F), MERIT direct EEN, to 132.650 Boston

EWR turboprop departures
= PVD, via BAYYS.SEALL.GON at 13000(F), direct GON or BAYYS direct GON, to 124.850/(133.425) Boston
= PWM, via MERIT climbing 14000 for 16000, direct EEN.CDOGG, to 17000(F), to 132.650 Boston
= BTV, via BREZY.V39.CMK.GREKI.JUDDS.CAM climbing 13000 for 16000, to FL210(F), to 125.575 Boston   


BOS arrivals via JFK.KRANN3 descending FL325-FL255 for FL240 (at NEWES)
> (direct STRKK/ORW/PVD), to FL230, to 124.850/(133.425) Boston
+ LGA/EWR/JFK, via MERIT.STRKK climbing 11500-15500 for 17000, (direct STRKK/ORW/PVD), to FL190(F)/FL210(F)
+ PHL at FL230(F)

BDL arrivals via JFK.DPK3 descending FL235-FL205 for FL190 (at DPK)
> MAD at 11000, to 123.950 Bradley Approach
+ PHL at FL210(F)/FL230(F)

SWF arrivals via JFK.DPK.HUD1 descending FL235-FL205 for FL190 (at DPK)
> (direct PWL/BRISS), to 11000/(12000), to 128.100/(134.300) New York

ALB arrivals via LGA.TRUDE.V487.CANAN.V130.ALB descending FL285-FL255 for FL240 (at LGA)
> direct MOONI/BOWAN, to FL180, to 128.100/(134.300) Boston
+ PHL at FL240(F)

PWM arrivals via RBV.LGA.BDR.SCOGS1 at FL270(F)*
> (direct FOSTY), to 126.225 Boston


descending FL235-FL205 for FL190 = approximate altitude window on handoff
DFW* = indicates an alternate or secondary route
17000(F) = indicates final cruising altitude
FL270(F)* = indicates an alternate cruising altitude

Offline InterpreDemon

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Re: ZBW Sector 19 Playbook/SOP
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2013, 21:11:25 UTC »

Where do the Liberty E (126.8) departures fit into that book? I hear lots of flight's climbing 11-17, mostly via Merit and being handed off to ZBW 134.0

Offline JetScan1

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Re: ZBW Sector 19 Playbook/SOP
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2013, 02:47:45 UTC »
Where do the Liberty E (126.80) departures fit into that book? I hear lots of flight's climbing 11-17, mostly via Merit and being handed off to ZBW 134.0

I'm not sure I understand your question ?

Liberty E is the sector prior to 134.000 for LGA/EWR/JFK departures via BAYYS/MERIT/GREKI.

LGA departures, 120.40 -> 126.800 -> 134.000

EWR departures, 119.20 -> 120.40 -> 126.80 -> 134.00

JFK departures, 135.90 -> 126.800 -> 134.00

Is that what you meant ?

Offline InterpreDemon

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Re: ZBW Sector 19 Playbook/SOP
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2013, 03:24:04 UTC »

Online RonR

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Re: ZBW Sector 19 Playbook/SOP
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2013, 11:33:54 UTC »
Hey Jet,

listening last night I noticed that 135.9 was handing off to 120.85 and then to 125.575.

126.8 and 134.0 we're not even in the picture. this happened sometime after 10 p.m last night.

Online RonR

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Re: ZBW Sector 19 Playbook/SOP
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2013, 13:47:51 UTC »
Nice playbook Jet  :-)

Also heard a couple of KTEB departures coming onto 134.0 this morning climbing to 17000, one flight (EJA346) going to Hyannis was handed off to 124.85 while the other (UJT515) going overseas was handed off to 126.225.

EJT346 flight plan:  BREZY V39 CMK BAYYS V229 SEALL V188 GON....
UJT515 flight plan:  BREZY V39 CMK MERIT HFD PUT J581....

Offline JetScan1

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Re: ZBW Sector 19 Playbook/SOP
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2013, 14:47:16 UTC »
listening last night I noticed that 135.9 was handing off to 120.85 and then to 125.575.

Thanks. I haven't had a chance to look at the late/overnight configurations yet, that "playbook" just covers normal business hours.

Also heard a couple of KTEB departures coming onto 134.0 this morning climbing to 17000

Yeah TEB departures follow the same routes for the most part, but I only included scheduled traffic to keep things simple. I also noticed this sector handles a fair amount of higher VFR traffic as well.

I don't know if anyone is actually interested in stuff like this, I could do a few more sectors if people want to see them ? Not sure if my notes make sense, but I find having a quick reference "playbook" like this makes it easy to get sector situational awareness quickly and is helpful when following flights.

Online RonR

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Re: ZBW Sector 19 Playbook/SOP
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2013, 15:19:43 UTC »
Personally, I think your Playbook is an excellent tool to have!  I'd be happy to help gather information on any sector you're interested in generating a Playbook for.

A quick note on turns out that late at night this freq covers a rather wide area.  I heard handoffs from 120.85 to ZNY 132.175, 125.325 and ZBW 125.575.  Thought you'd find that interesting...


Offline ferraraj

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Re: ZBW Sector 19 Playbook/SOP
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2013, 02:29:09 UTC »
Very Nice...have any for any other ZBW sectors?!

Offline JetScan1

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Re: ZBW Sector 19 Playbook/SOP
« Reply #9 on: September 24, 2013, 19:55:29 UTC »
Very Nice...have any for any other ZBW sectors?!

I'm working on some others. I'll post them when I get some free time. Ultimately I'm trying to put together as many as I can. I'll start with ZBW and ZNY and see how it goes.

Offline ferraraj

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Re: ZBW Sector 19 Playbook/SOP
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2013, 14:45:33 UTC »
Sector combining on the overnight shift is common at all facilities. Overnight (after ~midnight or so depending on wx and traffic) N90 usually combines each of their 5 areas to 1 sector/freq per area. The controllers many times are simulcasting on multiple freqs, but the acft are all on 1 combined frequency). The 5 areas of N90:

JFK area (Appr/Dep) all combines to 125.7
LGA -> 120.8
EWR ->128.55 (or 120.15-I've heard both)
ISP -> 118.0
Liberty ->120.85

Sometimes they change, but these are generally accurate...but by listening to can tell pretty quickly on a nightly basis.