I got to visit NCT last year. Believe it or not I really would like ALL of them if able. You can start with Area B and Area D, doh and Area C and Area A if possible though. The one's of interest being the sectors serving the three Bay Area airports SFO, OAK and SJC, and since NCT is a "Super TRACON" with ceilings of FL190 and FL230, the sectors are kind of all over the map in different areas of the building. Those being:
Sector Name -- Description:
Area B:
Woodside -- SFO 28L Final
Foster -- SFO 28R Final
Boulder -- South Feeder (BSR2 STAR)
Laguna -- High Alt South feeder
Niles -- East Feeder (MOD2 STAR)
Cedar -- High Alt East feeder
Area C:
Mulford -- OAK 29 Final
Grove -- OAK 29 feeder/27R final
Sunol -- OAK feeder?
Area D:
Sutro -- West Departure
Richmond -- NorthEast Departure
Vineyard -- NorthEast Departure high altitude
Diablo -- East departure low altitude
Area A: (I know the least about)
Toga -- SJC Departures
Licke -- SJC Final
Hooks -- Moffet Final
Seca -- MRY East
Fremont -- MRY West
So in other words... basically everything except Area E, then Area E when you have the chance.

EDIT: The sectors of the most interest are those that didn't exist prior to NCT being buildt (and stealing airspace away from ZOA), such as Laguna and Cedar.