
Author Topic: Northeast TRACONS  (Read 79183 times)

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Northeast TRACONS
« on: November 12, 2007, 22:20:32 UTC »
Hello again!

Hoping I can get some help once again finding information on some TRACONs.  To finish building an ATC simulator, I need some details on the TRACONs in PVD,BDL,SYR,FMH,ALB,PWM,BGR, and BTV.

I see these facilities all have multiple frequencies.  Are there any maps that show the different sectors inside these TRACONs?

Thanks guys!


Michael Roche

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Re: Northeast TRACONS
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2007, 23:20:43 UTC »
Well, here's a few pieces of info on some of the TRACONS. I've also attached some crude maps that I've created.


East - 125.0
West - 118.05

The sectors are split along the extended centerline of ALB runway 1/19 and extends to the limits of the TRACON airspace.


East Arrival - 124.5
West Arrival - 118.925
Bar Harbor - 124.5

The East and West sectors are split along the extended centerline of BGR runway 15/33 and extend all the way to the western TRACON boundary. The eastern part of the TRACON is owned by the Bar Harbor sector.


West - 126.3
East - 121.1

The TRACON is split by a line that runs roughly north/south about 9 miles west of the field. East owns 7,000 and below in just the eastern part of the sector. West owns 10,000 and below in the western area, and overlies East to 10,000.


South - 119.75
North - 125.5
Augusta - 128.35

North and South are split along the extended centerline for PWM runway 11/29. Augusta owns airspace in the Northeast of the TRACON above KAUG. Note that the "Brunswick RATCF" is not actually part of PWM airspace. When the Brunswick RATCF (a military facility) is closed, PWM takes over it's airspace.

The other facilities that you mentioned have different configurations depending on the runway configuration in use, therefore it is somewhat hard for me to make simple diagrams of these. I'll see what I can get. Enjoy!


Michael Roche

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Re: Northeast TRACONS
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2007, 03:53:56 UTC »
A few frequency lists for the other TRACONs:


  • Arrival Radar - 135.4 (Final)
  • Rhody Radar - 127.9 (North High - handles WOONS STAR traffic and departures via PUT)
  • Groton Radar - 119.45 (Northwest of TRACON - mainly handles arrivals via TEDDY STAR)
  • Departure Radar - 128.7 (Initial Departure from PVD)
  • Jumpr Radar - 125.75 (South of TRACON - handles JORDN STAR arrivals and departures via JUMPR)
  • New Bedford Radar - 133.85 (East Low - handles airspace directly over KEWB)


  • Bristol Radar - 123.95 (High Southwest of TRACON - primarily handles DPK STAR arrivals)
  • West Departure Radar - 125.35 (Northwest of TRACON, handles SWEDE STAR arrivals)
  • Hartford Radar - 127.800 (Southwest and south of TRACON. Underlies Bristol sector. Handles the satellite traffic in this area)
  • Worcester Radar - 119.0 (East of TRACON. Covers 10,000 and below overlying the KORH airport and airspace in that vicinity)
  • Final Vector - 127.22 (Final)


  • Syracuse Radar - 134.27 (North of Syracuse)
  • Georgetown Radar - 126.12 (South of Syracuse)
  • Final Radar - 118.85 (Final)


  • Hyannis Arrival - 118.2 (Low North of TRACON - approach and departure at HYA)
  • Plymouth Arrival - 126.3 (High North of TRACON - overlies Hyannis Arrival)
  • Martha's Vineyard Arrival - 124.7 (Low East of TRACON - approach and departure at MVY)
  • High Arrival - 133.75 (High East of TRACON - overlies Martha's Vineyard Arrival)
  • Nantucket Departure - 126.1 (Airspace either east of west of ACK, depending on runway in use. 10,000 and below. Handles all departures from ACK)
  • Nantucket Arrival - 118.85 (Airspace either east or west of ACK, depending on runway in use. 10,000 and below. Handles all arrivals to ACK)



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Re: Northeast TRACONS
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2007, 18:04:18 UTC »
You guys are great!! Huge help!  Those maps really help!

Offline mkreilein

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Re: Northeast TRACONS
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2008, 15:54:58 UTC »
Well, here's a few pieces of info on some of the TRACONS. I've also attached some crude maps that I've created.


East - 125.0
West - 118.05

Just a heads up.  I'm doing my PPL out of KSCH and we received a NOTAM a month ago or so that Albany is decommissioning 118.05 to replace it with 132.82