So something like this?
Yes, that updated image shows the High Sectors, except ....
Sector 75 only covers the western part of the area under Sector 76. The eastern half of the area under Sector 76 is covered by Low/High Sector 58, 126.350, which extends from the Surface/FL240/FL270 up to FL349. (note: the SOP lists the ceiling of Sector 58 as FL329, but from monitoring this frequency, the actual ceiling they are using is FL349, you show this as a low sector on your original map).
Missing Sector 66 (under Sector 65) FL240 to FL340 = 127.875
Sector 51 is an Ultra High Sector from FL380 and above. Sector 52, 135.050, is a Low/High sector from the surface to FL379, it covers the northern half of the area under Sector 51. Sector 35, 134.850, is a Low/High sector from the surface to FL379 that covers the southern half of the area under Sector 51.
Could you do me a favor and list out the UH and HI.
The UH sectors are all on your original map = 48, 49, 51, 65, 67, 76, 85, 86, 87.
The HI sectors are on your updated/corrected map = 16, 17, 35, 47, 50, 52, 66, 68, 75, 78
The rest are combined HI/UH.
as for the 87/78 frequencies. Im showing Sector 78 - 132.825, Sector 87 - 133.875 in the SOP
That's what the SOP's show, but from monitoring both of those frequencies over the last few weeks they have been using them reversed, 132.825 in Sector 87 and 133.875 in Sector 78, that's current as of this morning. Maybe a temporary change ? Or maybe they keep switching them around like New York does in some of their sectors ? When it's slow they combine these sectors and use 133.875 as the primary for both.