Author Topic: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)  (Read 138940 times)

Offline PHL Approach

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Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« on: March 07, 2007, 03:58:54 PM »
Next requested set of maps. Document with Sector Names to be released soon.

Offline JetScan1

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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2007, 09:11:58 AM »
There are a lot of sectors/frequencies missing from the high altitude chart, it looks like it only has the ultra high sectors on it. Is there another high sector chart that includes the rest of the high sectors ? DJ

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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 09:21:03 AM »
I made these based off two sources of info. I had to match the two sources up. There are two maps Low and High. It's quite hard to match up the UH/SH sectors. I'll try to look into it.

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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2007, 11:50:03 AM »
This should update the high chart ....

Sector 16 (under Sector 86) FL270 to FL340 = 125.175

Sector 17 (under Sector 85) FL240/FL270 to FL340 = 135.625

Sector 47 (under Sector 48) FL240 to FL340 = 124.075

Sector 50 (under Sector 49) FL240 to FL340 = 135.975

Sector 66 (under Sector 65) FL240 to FL340 = 127.875

Sector 68 (under Sector 67) FL240 to FL340 = 126.125

Sector 75 (under Sector 76) FL240 to FL330
- extends north and covers overtop the same area as Sector 57

Sector 78 (under Sector 87) FL240/FL270 to FL340 = 133.875

Sector 87 = 132.825

I think that should be right, any corrections/updates appreciated.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2007, 12:14:47 PM by JetScan1 »

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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2007, 12:35:00 PM »
So something like this? Could you do me a favor and list out the UH and HI. So that I can split the maps. As I assume I put some HI's and UH's together on that other map?

BTW, as for the 87/78 frequencies. Im showing Sector 78 - 132.825, Sector 87 - 133.875 in the SOP...

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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2007, 03:26:15 PM »
So something like this?

Yes, that updated image shows the High Sectors, except ....

Sector 75 only covers the western part of the area under Sector 76. The eastern half of the area under Sector 76 is covered by Low/High Sector 58, 126.350, which extends from the Surface/FL240/FL270 up to FL349. (note: the SOP lists the ceiling of Sector 58 as FL329, but from monitoring this frequency, the actual ceiling they are using is FL349, you show this as a low sector on your original map).

Missing Sector 66 (under Sector 65) FL240 to FL340 = 127.875

Sector 51 is an Ultra High Sector from FL380 and above. Sector 52, 135.050, is a Low/High sector from the surface to FL379, it covers the northern half of the area under Sector 51. Sector 35, 134.850, is a Low/High sector from the surface to FL379 that covers the southern half of the area under Sector 51.

Could you do me a favor and list out the UH and HI.

The UH sectors are all on your original map = 48, 49, 51, 65, 67, 76, 85, 86, 87.

The HI sectors are on your updated/corrected map = 16, 17, 35, 47, 50, 52, 66, 68, 75, 78

The rest are combined HI/UH.   

as for the 87/78 frequencies. Im showing Sector 78 - 132.825, Sector 87 - 133.875 in the SOP

That's what the SOP's show, but from monitoring both of those frequencies over the last few weeks they have been using them reversed, 132.825 in Sector 87 and 133.875 in Sector 78, that's current as of this morning. Maybe a temporary change ? Or maybe they keep switching them around like New York does in some of their sectors ? When it's slow they combine these sectors and use 133.875 as the primary for both.

« Last Edit: March 09, 2007, 08:40:59 AM by JetScan1 »

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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2007, 08:23:50 PM »
I will update probably Sunday.

Offline BMT

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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2007, 06:36:50 AM »
I will update probably Sunday.

Is this the Sunday we have been waiting on???  :-D


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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2007, 09:34:53 AM »
ROFL, Im away from home for close to 90 hours a week. Pretty soon that will be close to 120 so it's not gonna give me more time to finish them up. I guess that Sunday: I must have been tired and slept real late...  :-P

Offline nycrich

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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2007, 12:57:13 PM »
From listening to JAX sector 34 there is an Ultra High Sector over that. From listening it is covering also sector 33. The freq is 128.625 and aircraft call it JAX Center. It would make sense because those two sectors does not have an Ultra High Sector like the other surronding sectors. From using Fight Aware I can confirm definetly that it is over sector 34 and somewhat sure over sector 33 as Flightaware shows delayed info.
I am trying gather info for Miami Center as there is little info. It would be nice to have a map of Miami sectors. I looked at the sectors  using Flight Explorer (demo free version) but it is not at all accurate. It is missing all Ultra High sectors. I can help monitor freqs for Miami center as I live in Tampa, FL

Tampa Bay, FL


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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2007, 02:50:15 PM »

       Miami has Ultra High sectors ??? I was thinking that they didn't because there doesn't seem to be a heavy traffic presence transiting the Center. Since MCO and TPA would be at least a great part under 340 arrival wise as well as going into JAX center northbound there would not be much of a overly saturated traffic pattern. Well in any case I can let people know of my findings when I get to FLL next Sunday for 2 weeks. Scanner is coming with me this summer.


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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2007, 02:57:40 PM »
I can say this however from listening to PBI that the high frequencies from west to east would be 133.9-Gulf Oceanic,128.225-TPA TO RSW corridor,126.525-Central Fl,125.075-FLL TO MLB corridor,Oceanic south of the keys would be 132.2,126.325, and 135.225. Low wise I would say is 132.35(North)132.4(South) part of the TPA-RSW CORRIDOR,127.2(North)132.45(South) part of Central FL,126.95(North)135.175(South) part of the MLB-FLL corridor,Atlantic Oceanic would be 132.15,133.4,135.6,134.2 (Low Altitude) and 119.825,135.075,125.325,134.8(High Altitude)

Offline nycrich

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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2007, 10:56:16 PM »
"there doesn't seem to be a heavy traffic presence transiting the Center."

It is quite the opposite. I can monitor most of air traffic over Florida above FL160. Coming from the East coast is a lot of European traffic going across into Mexico and Central America. Going south is a lot of traffic going to Cuba, Jamaica, and the rest of the Caribbean. Heading north is traffic from the Caribbean.
Going west to east across Florida is traffic from Mexico and Central America.
The Ultra High Sectors in the Gulf of Mexico ZMA08 (CIGAR) 133.9, ZMA06 southof Gulf 132.2, north of Gulf of Mexico ZMA30 124.775. Going overland ZMA25 covers western coast 128.225. Eastern coast is ZMA02(Apollo) 125.325


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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2007, 11:13:37 PM »
ok what is ZMA25 frequency wise and what are the super high frequencies over 126.525 and 125.075 ?

Offline nycrich

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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2007, 09:53:37 AM »
I think we are changing the topic of the original  thread from Jaxsonville to a Miami ATC subject, so I will respond back starting a new thread on Miami ATC, or the one you listed about Miami(previous thread) and gave reference to Radioreference ( which was a topic that I started on that website).
Those freqs for Miami listed above are all Ultra High and I don't know as of yet anymore Ulta High for Miami. Due to the bad weather every day/afternoon sectors are not really working correctly/gets shut down/merge sectors so it it hard to figure out exact coverage area.

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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2007, 10:58:25 AM »
Those freqs for Miami listed above are all Ultra High and I don't know as of yet anymore Ulta High for Miami.

Ultra High generally means sectors that start or are floored in the high levels, usually starting at between FL330-FL360 and extending above. I don't have any current Miami Center sector maps and the latest Flight Explorer overlay does not show any Ultra High Miami sectors.

However I have heard them utilizing Ultra High sectors in two areas. 128.650 used for a Ultra High sector (when required) above ZMA02, and there was another one used above ZMA01/ZMA19 but I don't remember the frequency ? Last time I monitored that area was a few months ago, so any updates appreciated. DJ


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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2007, 11:12:02 AM »
I am maybe surmising it may be either 135.075 or 125.325 from what I can hear of the PBI Feed heading out to WOLFO/PERMT out of FLL/MIA


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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2007, 11:13:40 AM »
I guess I am used to the ZNY area when I said it didn't appear to be any high traffic density transiting ZMA/ZJX. Comparably quiet than up here.t

Offline JetScan1

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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2007, 12:54:35 PM »
I am maybe surmising it may be either 135.075 or 125.325 from what I can hear of the PBI Feed heading out to WOLFO/PERMT out of FLL/MIA

I haven't monitored that area very much, but I have heard them split that ZMA01 sector north(135.075)/south(125.325), as well as use 123.675 in that area as well. I remember they have also used a Ultra High sector above 135.075, maybe using 125.325 or 123.675 ? They appear to have various sector configurations depending on the traffic.

I guess I am used to the ZNY area when I said it didn't appear to be any high traffic density transiting ZMA/ZJX. Comparably quiet than up here.

JAX is very busy, almost all their High sectors are covered by Ultra High sectors, ZMA not so much and AFAIK they only use Ultra High sectors over their east coast Atlantic sectors.

I sure miss the DX Tuners website, that had good coverage of this area.


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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2007, 02:07:32 PM »
The Ultra High Sectors found so far over Miami ARTCC:
 The Gulf of Mexico ZMA08 (CIGAR) 133.9, ZMA06 southof Gulf 132.2(to Cuban boundary), north of Gulf of Mexico ZMA30 124.775. Going overland ZMA25 covers western coast 128.225.
ZMA17 is new Ultra High 125.325 over ZMA02 & 20 on the East coast FL


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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2007, 02:46:05 PM »
Basically East Coast 128.65 has been replaced by 125.325

Offline nycrich

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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2007, 03:04:58 PM »
Yes I have monitored 128.65 for days/nights and have heard nothing. I am slowly monitoring northern Miami ARTCC and filling in the sector areas as I progress southward. Because of the bad weather when I come home in the evenings, sectors are not working correctly or shut down.

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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2007, 07:34:56 PM »

I know this info is 2 years old but there might be a newer link in the story.



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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #23 on: August 16, 2007, 10:23:43 AM »
Ok from what I hear down here in FLL other than the offshore sectors which as stated by Jetscan the land sectors are all FL 240-600 (no super high at all) 128.65 I have only heard 4 transmissions. 126.325 seems tohave replaced 135.225 for the most part although there have been sporadic transmissions on both. 126.275 is a ??? on where this covers. Havannah seems to be 120.25 over URSUS. Other Havanna freqs are 133.7,128.7,135.1. I have heard FL 180-240 as far as 200 miles and over 240 about a goos 250 miles as far NW as Cross City and Ocala and NE ward east of Jax. Wish I would have bought my charts with me


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Re: Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)
« Reply #24 on: August 18, 2007, 12:12:04 AM »
The only time I heard 126.525 active was between 1100-1900 HRS other times 125.075 took over for the sector. Confirmed JAX freqs I heard were 135.625,133.875,132.825,132.425128.425,125.175,127.475,135.45,126.35 from FLL area low wise I heard 134.0 and 135.75