
Author Topic: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies  (Read 648811 times)

Offline av8tor172

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I've created an interactive map displaying 696 ARTCC / RCAG (Remote Center Air/Ground) transmitter locations.

The map defaults to view all centers, or you can use the pull down menu and choose just the center you're interested in.

If you click on the transmitter site a window will appear with the frequencies being used at that site.  If you zoom in on the site you should be able to see the antenna farm in most cases.

You can check it out at


Offline RonR

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2014, 21:51:28 UTC »
Great job George!  If I come across any changes in my area (ZNY, ZDC and ZBW) would you like me to pass it on to you so you can update your site?


Offline av8tor172

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2014, 23:29:47 UTC »
Thank Ron,
Yes, please any corrections I would like, freqs, locations etc....

The source I used to generate this map is a good source, but not perfect.  Know of a couple frequency errors for ZJX, but the Percent Error of the data is pretty small...


Offline alphazulu

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2014, 02:41:52 UTC »
Thank you George!

Offline sykocus

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2014, 09:25:58 UTC »
Looks good. One thing I noticed is the ZUA sites are in the wong location. They're showing up SE of Hawaii. Just by eyeballing it I'd guess the longitudes of th sites were entered as west rather then east.

Offline av8tor172

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2014, 11:41:43 UTC »
Looks good. One thing I noticed is the ZUA sites are in the wong location. They're showing up SE of Hawaii. Just by eyeballing it I'd guess the longitudes of th sites were entered as west rather then east.

Thanks and good catch. 

That was the problem....the original data didn't have + or - with the lat/long so of course I assumed - since most are W. 

I made the change in the database and now we have the locations showing up on the correct island. 

The one on Guam I'm not sure how accurate the lat/long is, small island I would have thought the RCAG would be at the airport but the lat/long I have puts it in a forest and by zooming in I can't see anything.  Well, at least it in the correct general area for anyone wanting to know if they have a change at receiving ground side of comms.

Thanks for the correction

Offline JetScan1

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2014, 15:19:54 UTC »

I've created an interactive map displaying 696 ARTCC / RCAG (Remote Center Air/Ground) transmitter locations.

Nice job ! Thanks for sharing that !

The source I used to generate this map is a good source, but not perfect.  Know of a couple frequency errors for ZJX, but the Percent Error of the data is pretty small

That FAA data you are using always seems to have many errors in it. I don't know why they can't bother to keep it accurate ?

For example there are 24 High and Ultra-High ZJX sectors, so far I've found errors in the FAA data in 17 of them. And that's just the VHF information, I didn't look at UHF.

ALMA 133.3 HIGH = change, ULTRA-HIGH                                                    
ALMA 135.975 ULTRA-HIGH = change, HIGH
CHARLESTON 132.475 ULTRA-HIGH = change, frequency 120.125
COLUMBIA 134.975 ULTA-HIGH = add
GAINESVILLE 135.65 HIGH = change, frequency 128.425 ULTRA-HIGH
LAKE CITY 133.875 HIGH = add
PANAMA CITY 135.925 LOW/HIGH = add
SAINT AUGUSTINE 132.825 HIGH = change, ULTRA-HIGH      
SAINT AUGUSTINE 134.575 ULTRA-HIGH = change, frequency 135.450
SAVANNAH 132.425 HIGH = change, ULTRA-HIGH
VALDOSTA 135.625 HIGH = add

I've been able to confirm all 24 ZJX High and Ultra-High frequencies and the above errors from recent monitoring, RCAG data is from official ZJX sector charts (November 2010). I've not had a chance to verify low altitude and UHF data but taking a quick look against the sector chart there appears to be a lot of discrepancies.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2014, 16:18:42 UTC by JetScan1 »

Offline av8tor172

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2014, 16:39:46 UTC »
Thanks for the updates.

It would be nice if the FAA kept that file better update to date.  Most of the errors in that file seem to be altitudes (Low/High/Ultra-High).  Most of the people that use my website are looking for frequencies to listen to and don't care much about what altitude the freq is used for.  In fact I'm considering removing that column from the display.

I did add the new freqs you listed.  In fact while searching the band the other day I ran across 120.125, didn't have a listing for it, but thanks you to I do now....


Offline sykocus

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2014, 08:04:41 UTC »
Looks good. One thing I noticed is the ZUA sites are in the wong location. They're showing up SE of Hawaii. Just by eyeballing it I'd guess the longitudes of th sites were entered as west rather then east.

Thanks and good catch. 

That was the problem....the original data didn't have + or - with the lat/long so of course I assumed - since most are W. 

I made the change in the database and now we have the locations showing up on the correct island. 

The one on Guam I'm not sure how accurate the lat/long is, small island I would have thought the RCAG would be at the airport but the lat/long I have puts it in a forest and by zooming in I can't see anything.  Well, at least it in the correct general area for anyone wanting to know if they have a change at receiving ground side of comms.

Thanks for the correction

The one on Guam is in the right area. Just east of the marker is a white sphere. I think that's the ARSA-4. That's where the radios are too.

Offline JetScan1

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2014, 15:14:03 UTC »
George and anyone else interested in ZJX frequencies,

I did add the new freqs you listed.

I see you missed this one on your map ...

SAINT AUGUSTINE 134.575 ULTRA-HIGH = change, new frequency 135.450

You can confirm 135.450 yourself as that sector's airspace is directly overhead the Daytona Beach area. This is Sector 71-Keystone, ultra-high FL350 and above, usually very busy. It's also the designated midnight shift overnight frequency for all the ZJX "South" sectors.

I ran across 120.125, didn't have a listing for it

120.125 is Sector 51-Knemo, another ultra-high sector in this case FL380 and above. It's located overhead the 135.050 and 134.850 sectors and is only open when traffic volume gets heavy. The ZJX Sector chart shows 120.125 transmitters in Charleston and Glynco and not Myrtle Beach as you have on your map.

I was looking over some of the low altitude frequencies and noticed a few dicrepancies between the FAA data and the ZJX sector chart.

EGLIN 132.1 LOW = delete, changed to Eglin Approach Control (confirmed - NOS Approach Chart)
GLYNCO 124.675 LOW = add (frequency confirmed - LiveATC)
LOWELL 128.050 LOW = add (frequency unconfirmed)

You should be able to confirm 128.050 from the Daytona Beach area. This is sector 88-Darbs located north of Tampa, handles TPA arrivals from the north on the FOOXX FOUR arrival.

The following RCAG/Frequencies are not listed on the Sector Chart.

FLORENCE  134.35 LOW = delete (unconfirmed)     
GAINESVILLE 124.75 LOW = delete (unconfirmed)
GAINESVILLE 134.4  LOW = delete (unconfirmed)   
JACKSONVILLE 126.35 LOW = delete, RCAG located at ST AUGUSTINE (unconfirmed)   
PENSACOLA 134.15 LOW = delete (unconfirmed)       
TALLAHASSEE 125.75 LOW = delete, RCAG located at ALBANY (unconfirmed)

However there appears to be a few low frequencies on the Sector Chart that have changed recently where the FAA data actually seems to be correct. So I'm not sure how accurate that above list is ? So I wouldn't delete them from your map just yet.

The following sectors contain frequencies where the FAA data is correct and the Sector Chart is wrong.

Sector 74-Charleston. The Sector Chart shows frequency 127.95 (located at Charleston) and 128.700 (located at Myrtle Beach). These frequencies have been noted as correct in the past, 128.700 is a listed frequency on the Myrtle Beach LiveATC radio. However in the last few days I've noticed using various LiveATC feeds that the FAA listed frequency of 134.375 is now being used in that sector. dave - Maybe 134.375 could be addded to the Myrtle Beach LiveATC radio to replace 128.700 if it's still on there ?

Sector 73-Allendale. The Sector Chart shows frequency 120.850 (located at Savannah) and frequency 132.500 (located at Millen). 120.850 is a listed frequency on the Savannah LiveATC radio. Listening to it though there is nothing being heard on 120.85 and based on SAV departures the FAA listed frequency of 132.925 is now being used. dave - if the intent is to monitor that sector on the Savannah radio maybe it could be updated ? (although the radio is overloaded with frequencies as it is).

Sector 29-Waycross. The Sector Chart shows frequency 132.300 (located at Alma) and no listing for 127.575. However I have heard the FAA listed frequency 127.575 being used in that area in the last few days (SAV LiveATC handoff).

If anyone can provide any additional info for the ZJX low sectors it would be appreciated.

Offline InterpreDemon

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2014, 18:03:42 UTC »
A truly amazing effort and a wonderful tool. Nice job, George.

What could really be icing on the cake would be if folks could post/tag pictures of the antenna farms onto your map like with Google maps, perhaps elevation as well.

Offline av8tor172

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2014, 20:10:00 UTC »
A truly amazing effort and a wonderful tool. Nice job, George.

What could really be icing on the cake would be if folks could post/tag pictures of the antenna farms onto your map like with Google maps, perhaps elevation as well.

Thanks, you're not asking for much are you LOL....

But, if you click on the 'balloon' by the xmitter site, then click on a frequency it will show you all other users of that freq plus it'll show you all actual loggings for that freq submitted by other listeners.  Not many logs are submitted for VHF since most of my web users are more into milair....

Always working on something,

Offline InterpreDemon

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2014, 21:25:40 UTC »
So you're pretty close already... click the balloon and see a photo. You could probably get a couple teenagers to whip it up over a weekend for a keg of beer :-)

A simple workaround might be for Dave to create a new photo section in the forums here just for that purpose (FAA facilities instead of feed setups) and then you could link to them from your map... get the vast LiveATC membership to build out the content. A bunch of us, especially Dave, probably have lots of photos already, and lacking on-site photos many overhead shots could be pulled right from Google Earth. For example, here's the Douglaston RCAG in Long Island at 229' MSL

Offline av8tor172

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2014, 21:46:45 UTC »
Yes, the google maps, satellite view in most of the 600+ sites does get you very close.  There's some that's way off but for the most part it is fun zooming in and seeing the antennas.

But I think you're on to something, I would love to see a Forum section just for ATC equipment, antenna, facilities photos....just like the site feed photo section (I actually love the site feed pictures, it keeps me thinking of how I can change and/or improve my shack).....  But then I am a "Nerd God" and love looking at antennas, radios, and stuff like that......

GNG (George Nerd God)

Offline InterpreDemon

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2014, 22:00:41 UTC »
Here... look at this

Offline Lukas123

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2014, 16:48:38 UTC »
This is a really cool tool. Thanks for making and sharing.


Offline ferraraj

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2014, 18:29:44 UTC »
Just saw this post and took a look at the tool. Very Nice! A few corrections:

RKA (ZBW) Rockdale, NY transmits on 127.375. 126.47 was changed several years ago even though the FAA data base hasnt! Also...The "Utica" transmitter site (124.125) is actually in Remsen, NY (Northeast of Rome, NY).

You need to ADD a site for ZBW: Mt Tom (in western Massachusetts's Berkshire Mtns) is the transmitter site for 126.225 currently the high level sector (BOS 46) thats been in use for about 3-4 years now. Its not listed on the FAA database...but its there! Dave has the UHF freq on the LiveATC ZBW list.

Also...I can confirm that ZNY-Colts Neck (NJ) is transmitting 125.325 and Matawan, NJ is 118.975. I can only hear Matawan from my house and it switched about 9 months ago.

The FAA still lists 132.15 from Barnegat, NJ...but they swapped 132.15 and 133.5 about 8 years ago. 133.5 is the ZNY Oceanic sector (JOBOC) out of Barnegat, NJ and 132.15 transmits out of North Mountain as a Low sector (handles arrivals to EWR & LGA on the Williamsport and Milton arrivals). Our feed from N. Mtn is now lost, but you can check the archives from the last few weeks if you want to hear confirmation for yourself...but been that way since ~2006 or so.

Jim Ferrara

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2016, 17:25:45 UTC »

The link in the original post seems to be dead. Was the map migrated to another site? I'm curious as to where the local ARTCC transmitter sites are for my area.


Offline UnitedFlyer737

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #18 on: May 30, 2016, 02:11:40 UTC »
Could you fix the link? It goes to the website, but not the specific link.


Offline AeroBill

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2016, 23:28:25 UTC »
If you are logged in, do a search in the Listener's Forum section on "Milaircoms". You will find your answer on the
website under the heading "Where's George - Milaircoms". Otherwise Goggle "Milaircoms" and look for the same
question. This dates back to a 10/25/14 post in the Listener's Forum
« Last Edit: June 01, 2016, 23:29:56 UTC by AeroBill »

Offline scottbuckley111

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2016, 00:31:19 UTC »
The same site is now here:
The page with the Transmitter Map and frequencies now are here:

Looks like same page just different URL


Offline angellocke

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2016, 17:25:40 UTC »
Milcom blocked me because they say I was a robot and I am human da. And I cant send them a email.

Offline amerlyn

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2019, 19:43:42 UTC »
Hi.  I know it's been a long time since the interactive map post, but it appears that your URL has been taken over by someone else.  I haven't been on the site in a while [alright, 5 years] and tried it today only to get some-non ATC site.  Do you have a new or updated address?  Thanks.  anomova

Offline alphazulu

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2019, 23:51:16 UTC »
Amerlyn is this the map link you were looking for?

Offline amerlyn

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Re: Interactive Map of ARTCC / RCAG Transmitter Sites w/frequencies
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2019, 17:10:39 UTC »
Hi and thanks so much for your reply.  Yes, that is the link I was hoping for.  Great work and thanks again.